- There was a moment where I sort of just gave up where I was like, "oh, I give up, I can't do this." - And you're on such an amazing team on that show. That's right, that's all possible because the other actors.有那么一瞬间,我有点要放弃了,我想,“哦,我放弃了,我做...
l made a sigh of relief when the doors were finally opened and all this drama was over. The firefighters praised me for helping Mrs Lim. I returned their praise with gratitude and Mrs Lim thanked me and even ...
Mrs Lim burst into tears. I tried my very best to comfort her, telling herthat everything would be all right and that we needed to find out how to get out safely. Mrs Lim began having trouble breathing,andI immediately helped her sit down...
I’m not bluffing.别碰我,我会武工,我可没骗你。 2. “Well, we had a little shooting but we got it under control. Miss…” get something under control 把……在控制下 例句:Everything is under control. (一切尽在掌握。) We’ve got the fire under control. (我们已经把火控制住了。) ...
Yeah. - I didn't expect that at all. I don't know why, but she's absolutely adorable, but she keeps up with the two of you, I mean. - Well, here's the thing about Selena. It's interesting. I mean this is a pop princess from 16-year around. - Yeah. Yeah.是的。- 我一点...
"I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before," 我会把一切都修正成它原来的样子, he said,nodding determinedly."She'll see." 他一边说一边坚定地点头,她会懂的。 --- 到这时候读者对盖茨比感觉已经渐渐从同情变成了可怜,同时也真正认同了一开始尼克以...
—What am I supposed to say after all this? Just leave me alone!A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing 9. Oh, come on! ___ you doubt everything I say? I’m not a three-year-old!A. Can’t B. Can C. Mustn’t D. Must 10.I will try my best...
Ratherthanboremyfriends,Icouldfallintomysorrow—whetherithitme—cryasmuchasI wantedin mybedroom.IfoundeverythingIneededinthose32pages—hope,wisdom and encouragement.Intheyearssince,I?vefoundmyselfattractedtopoetrywheneversomeonecaused mepain. Isitactuallypossibleforsomethingascommonasapoemtosavealife?I?mnotce...
And I saw something they can't take away 然后我看到了一些东西,那是他们带不走的(我自己的经历,成长) 'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned 因为过去已经翻篇,回头也已无路 Everything you lose is a step you take 你失去的所有东西都是你必经的一步 ...
gave up.Now,I can tell you that I have improved a lot,but sometimes it is still easy for me toget___(confuse) if I don't know what topic people___(talk) about.To adapt to this new language,I had to tell___( I ) that I could do it.I really believe I can! 答案 1. 2....