What's the difference between on-ear vs. over-ear vs. in-ear? So, how to choose? That deceptively simple question begs a few others: Do you care more about audio quality or headphone size? Are you listening more at home or on the go?
We compare over-ear, on-ear, earbuds, and in-ear headphones. The different types of headphones are compared based on comfort, portability, noise isolation, leakage, and sound.
The meaning of EAR is the characteristic vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium consisting in the typical mammal of a sound-collecting outer ear separated by the tympanic membrane from a sound-transmitting middle ear that in turn is separated from a
The meaning of EAR is the characteristic vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium consisting in the typical mammal of a sound-collecting outer ear separated by the tympanic membrane from a sound-transmitting middle ear that in turn is separated from a
The functional properties included in the restricted model comprised the magnitude of the ON-evoked response, the bandwidth of the OFF RF, %ON/OFF RF overlap, and ON/OFF CF difference. As seen in the full model, the normalised coefficient of ON/OFF CF difference was the largest. Moreover,...
Genetic diversity across origins, growth habits and number of ear rows groups To compare among groups' genetic variation based on gSSR and EST-SSR, the barley genotypes were grouped based on their (i) origins and breeding history, (ii) growth habits and (iii) the number of ear rows. Genet...
The three head models were rescaled to have the same distances between nasion and inion and left and right ear, respectively, in order to rule out that differences in gross anatomical features systematically biased the results. In addition, we further assessed the thicknesses of skin, skull and...
Table 1.Description of tinnitus percept based on answers from the Tinnitus Sample Case History Questionnaire. Tinnitus location: BE = Both ears equally, BE(R) = Both ears, mainly the right ear, BE(L) = Both ears, mainly the left ear, LE = Left ear, RE = Right ear, IH = Inside hea...
The ear posts were set in a position corresponding to the animal’s earholes at the plastic vertical projections. The X-ray machine was placed at a distance of 7 feet from the cephalostat. We used the Siemens Nanodor1 X-ray machine and the Carestream Insight No4 (3.1 × 4.4 cm) X-...
Moreover, the impacts of SM on individual vital brain regions, such as hippocampus, cerebral cortex and striatum have not been compared yet. The aim of this study was to explore the dynamic impacts and underlying mechanism of SM on 3 vital brain regions. Rats were tail-suspended for 7 and...