The proposed time is confirmed and announced, and upon arrival of the designated time the shared spectrum is released by the current occupier of the shared spectrum and acquired by the requesting cell.Wendong HuWendong Hu. On-demand spectrum contention for inter-cell spectrum sharing in cognitive ...
NVIDIA Spectrum-X™ 是基于网络创新的新成果而构建 ——将 NVIDIA Spectrum™-4 以太网交换机与 NVIDIA BlueField®-3 DPU 紧密结合,取得了 1
A unique challenge for routing in cognitive radio networks is the collaboration between the route selection and spectrum decision. To solve this problem, in this paper a Spectrum-Tree base On-Demand routing protocol (STOD-RP) is proposed where a spectrum-tree is built in each spectrum band. Th...
The outcome of radiotherapy is significantly restricted by tumor hypoxia. To overcome this obstacle, one prevalent solution is to increase intratumoral oxygen supply. However, its effectiveness is often limited by the high metabolic demand for O2by cancer cells. Herein, we develop a hybrid semiconduct...
Far-red fluorescence of the nanodiamond offers continuous monitoring without photobleaching, while the green fluorescence of the organic fluorescent probe attached to the nanodiamond surface detects hydrogen peroxide on demand. PNS detects basal production of hydrogen peroxide within M1 polarised macrophages ...
Time Series Anomaly Detection with Multiresolution Ensemble Decoding AAAI 2021 - ECG, 2D-gesture and Power-demand, Yahoo’s S5 Its core is to use lower-resolution information to help long-range decoding at layers with higher resolutions. This is achieved by jointly learning multiple recurrent decod...
veness in enabling on-demand low-latency edge intelligence. 作为机器学习的骨干技术,深度神经网络(DNNs)已经迅速成为人们关注的焦点。然而,在资源受限的移动设备上运行DNN绝不是微不足道的,因为它会带来高性能和高能耗开销。由于不受控制的长广域网延迟,将DNN加载到云中以便执行会带来不可预测的性能。为了应对...
In general, a simple approach is still needed to obtain, on demand, integrated hybrid plasmonic nanosources with controlled position of the active medium. Recently, we reported a method of plasmon-based photopolymerization to integrate polymer nanostructures containing nano-emitters in the close vicinity...
In centralized spectrum sharing, a centralized entity controls the spectrum allocation and access procedures. Each entity in the shared spectrum forwards its status, such as traffic demand in the spectral and temporal domains, to the central entity and this entity allocates the shared spectrum among...
Title: On-demand photoinitiated polymerization United States Patent 8604098 Abstract: Compositions and methods for adjustable lenses are provided. In some embodiments, the lenses contain a lens matrix material, a masking compound, and a prepolymer. The lens matrix material provides structure to the ...