Since its advent in the 1970s, optical tweezers have been widely deployed as a preferred non-contact technique for manipulating microscale objects. On-chip integrated optical tweezers, which afford significant size, weight, and cost benefits, have been implemented, relying upon near-field evanescent ...
Direct connection of on-chip electrodes to the signal source is the most common method for DEP signal transmission. Leveraging micro/nano-fabrication and electrical chip packaging techniques, establishing metal connections between electrodes and the signal routing pads can be readily achieved. Like integr...
We have investigated non-destructive, non-contact single-cell based differential cell screening method using on-chip microcultivation and optical tweezers. The four-room microchamber for cultivating four single cells consists of 5 μm high microstructure on the glass slide and is covered with semiperm...
This image shows plasmonic nanotweezers for the lab-on-a-chip technology and the experimental setup used for excitation of the plasmonic nanostructure and imaging of the motion of suspended tracer particles. Courtesy of Purdue University. The researchers developed a nanostructured plasmonic metafilm by ...
Microfluidic array cytometer based on refractive optical tweezers for parallel trapping, imaging and sorting of individual cells. Lab Chip 11, 2432–2439, 1039/c1lc20181f (2011). 25. Wang, X. et al. Enhanced cell sorting and manipulation with combined optical tweezer and...
Silicon photonics for functional on-chip optical tweezers devices and circuits 机译:功能性片上光镊器件和电路的硅光子学 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 Silicon photonics using waveguide- and microresonator-based devices are finding...
This indicates that holographic optical tweezers have not realised the direct handling of holographic images. Thus, we aimed to construct a bidirectional electro-holographic system that allows real-time interaction with the reconstructed images. Although the light-field display27,28, which can also ...
To achieve all-optical-lab-on-a-chip systems, it requires optical manipulation tools for both microparticles and microfluids. Optical tweezers have attracted a great deal of interests in manipulating cells or particles. However, it is not effective in handling microfluid. Its high optical power req...
Precisely manipulating single metal nanowires along the waveguides is of essential importance in on-chip integration, such as adjusting the relative coupling positions and lengths between the metal nanowires and the dielectric waveguides7,17,18. However, to the best of our knowledge, no such manipulat...
The current applications of microfluidics and organ-on-a-chip in the field of cancer research have been copiously discussed integrating the major application areas such as the isolation of CTCs, studying the cancer cell phenotype as well as metastasis, replicating TME in organ-on-a-chip and drug...