When the browser triggers an event or other JavaScript calls jQuery's.trigger()method, jQuery passes the handler anEventobject it can use to analyze and change the status of the event. This object is anormalized subsetof data provided by the browser; the browser's unmodified native event obj...
(100 = no change to the result) (A Negative weighting would be used to lower the overall score if values in that group match) PostalCodeNChars PostalCodeNChars integer How many characters should be taken from the postal code? Note: Only applies when ScoreMethod is one of: PostalCodeLeft...
Add some Javadocs and, if you change the namespace, some XSD doc elements. A few unit tests would help a lot as well — someone has to do it. If no-one else is using your branch, please rebase it against the current main (or other target branch in the main project). ...
To update the default HTTP serving port (80), go todocker-compose.ymland change80:80to<YOUR_SERVING_PORT>:80. Updates to the above configurations require a reboot of all containers to take effect: $ docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d ...
{ "source": ["aws.codecommit"], "detail-type": ["CodeCommit Repository State Change"], "detail":{ "repositoryName": ["webapp-sample"], "referenceType": ["branch"], "referenceName": ["master"] } } 在Select target(s)界面,我们填入我们上面创建的 Project ARN 来完成事件响应...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
In addition, a flat tag-based configuration model eliminates the complexities associated with inheritance and container-based grouping, leading to a simpler and more flexible configuration that can ease change management. 4.1 Elements of the configuration model – profiles ...
As a special case, note that specifying the -p flag will automatically change the database name to 'gaiandb' (as this is the default database name for a GaianDB node running on a different port). To override this, you can use the '-d' flag to explicitly specify which database ...
CVE-2020-5899 In NGINX Controller 3.0.0-3.4.0, recovery code required to change a user's password is transmitted and stored in the database in plain text, which allows an attacker who can intercept the database connection or have read access to the database, to request a password reset ...