触发了ON CHANGE OF'.g_msgty = 'S'.ELSE.g_msg = '当前索引' && sy-tabix && ',没有触发ON CHANGE OF'.g_msgty = 'E'.ENDON.MESSAGE g_msg TYPE 'I' DISPLAY
LOOP GT_TAB时,ON CHANGE OF GT_TAB-FIELD1会在第一和第三行被触发。 (3/7)非正常情况 GT_TAB内容如下: 没有疑问,第一次LOOP GT_TAB时,ON CHANGE OF GT_TAB-FIELD1会在第一行被触发。 可是,如果第二次LOOP呢? 答案是:不会触发ON CHANGE OF。 而且,即便你清空GT_TAB的内表或工作区再重新赋值,...
REPORT ztest_on_change_of. DATA: BEGIN OF git_tab OCCURS 0, a(2), b(2), c(2), d(2), END OF git_tab. START-OF-SELECTION. git_tab-a = 'a'. git_tab-b = 'b'. git_tab-c = 'c'. git_tab-d = 'd'. APPEND git_tab. CLEAR git_tab. git_tab-a = 'a'. git_tab-...
of any data type can be added, linked by OR. The first time a statement ON CHANGE OF is executed, the first statement block statement_block1 is executed if at least one of the specified data objects is not initial. The first statement block is executed for each additional execution of ...
In the Technical Options section you can set the number of parallel dialog processes. It is recommended that you change the number of parallel processes from the default, here it was 1 by for example. But the standard recommendation would be to set it to 3. To execute the program, Click ...
Fprettify is a tool that provides consistent whitespace, indentation, and delimiter alignment in code, including the ability to change letter case and handle preprocessor directives, all while preserving revision history and tested for editor integration. i-Code CNES for Fortran— An open source ...
This time zone represents the location of the Azure region in which the HANA Large Instance stamp is located. You can change the system time or time zone of the instances you own. If you order more instances into your tenant, you need to adapt the time zone of the...
ABAP CDS Views - CDC (Change Data Capture) 2 Advanced Event Mesh 1 AI 1 Analyze Workload Data 1 BS Reclassification 1 BTP 1 Business and IT Integration 2 Business application stu 1 Business Technology Platform 1 Business Trends 1,655 Business Trends 270 CAP 1 cf 1 ...
Change subobject(SHIFT+F11)屏幕右边绕圈标出按钮,这时文本‘SAP 菜单’变为可编辑状态。将文本修改 为我们需要显示的文本,例如’我靠!’.点击激活按钮激活修改。 5.退出登陆,重新登陆GUI,检查一下你刚才的修改起作用了没有,反正我的已经起做用了。
as this outweighs the impact of additional network latency. If you are architecting SAP with high availability (i.e. database replication), select the AZ pairs with lower network latencies than others to ensure optimal performance. Note that the network latencies could change...