If you want to set the focus to a window, you MUST call SetFocus() on that window. A side effect of this call is that the window which is losing the focus gets a WM_KILLFOCUS message and the window which receives the focus gets a WM_SETFOCUS message, both of which are informing t...
NM_KILLFOCUS控制項已失去輸入焦點 NM_OUTOFMEMORY控制項無法完成作業,因為沒有足夠的記憶體可用 ON_NOTIFY:處理 MFC 應用程式中的WM_NOTIFY訊息 函式CWnd::OnNotify會處理通知訊息。 其預設實作會檢查訊息對應,以取得要呼叫的通知處理常式。 一般而言,您不會覆寫OnNotify。 相反地,您會提供處理常式函式,並將該...
NM_KILLFOCUS 控件失去输入焦点 NM_OUTOFMEMORY 由于没有足够的可用内存,控件无法完成操作ON_NOTIFY:在 MFC 应用程序中处理 WM_NOTIFY 消息函数CWnd::OnNotify 处理通知消息。 其默认实现检查消息映射,以获取要调用的通知处理程序。 一般情况下,不会重写 OnNotify。 而是提供处理程序函数,并将该处理程序的消息映射条...
Learn اكتشاف وثائق المنتج تطوير اللغات الموضوعات لم نعد نجري تحديثًا على هذا المحتوى بصفة من...
()virtual function after the focus has been moved to the next field. Also, we must ignore the killfocus message that results when we switch back from the control that the user tried to select, and we must allow theIDCANCELbutton to abort the transaction without validation.Most of the work...
NM_KILLFOCUSControl has lost input focus NM_OUTOFMEMORYControl could not complete an operation because there was not enough memory available ON_NOTIFY: Handling WM_NOTIFY Messages in MFC Applications The functionCWnd::OnNotifyhandles notification messages. Its default implementation checks the message ma...
NM_KILLFOCUSLe contrôle a perdu le focus d’entrée NM_OUTOFMEMORYLe contrôle n’a pas pu terminer une opération, car il n’y avait pas suffisamment de mémoire disponible ON_NOTIFY : gestion des messages WM_NOTIFY dans les applications MFC ...
WM_KILLFOCUS:ifcsFocusinginControlStatethenExit; WM_NCHITTEST://注意这里,鼠标移动时,也会不停的执行begininheritedWndProc(Message);if(Message.Result = HTTRANSPARENT)and(ControlAtPos(ScreenToClient( SmallPointToPoint(TWMNCHitTest(Message).Pos)), False)<>nil)thenMessage.Result :=HTCLIENT; ...