(redirected fromon behalf of) Dictionary Thesaurus Idioms Categoryfilter: AcronymDefinition OBOOrBestOffer(usedinforsaleads) OBOOnBehalfOf OBOOboe(musicscores) OBOOmoBabaOlowo(Davidoalbum) OBOObservation(UK) OBOOpenBiomedicalOntologies OBOOnebyOne
One of our main targeted user groups is the Hungarian academic research community and their new computing infrastructure, the MTA Cloud [4], where MTA stands for the acronym ‘Hungarian Academy of Sciences’. In 2014, the MTA Wigner Data Center and the Institute for Computer Science and ...
A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close AOBO(redirected from Accept on Behalf Of) AcronymDefinition AOBO Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra AOBO Accept on Behalf Of AOBO All Out Blow...
The use of the invented acronym GLB for Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual is also an attempt to get the reader to not think about what is being discussed--homosexualand bisexual lifestyles. On page 36, Smith and Missler go so far as to label homo- sexuals and bisexuals as "this special ...
n acronym for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in New Zealand) Association of Consumers and Taxpayers: a small political party of the right Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009,...
Four letters, one abbreviation, one acronym: Ccig. Four letters, one abbreviation, one acronym that stand for China City Industrial Group. We went to look for some information on the entity that has been much talked about for months (since June 4) for its interest in taking over a share...
"We're here to do work on behalf of the American people," Warren said. "And if that means working with Elon Musk, I'm ready. And if it means fighting Elon Musk, I'm ready for that, too." Still, the DOGE initiative, with a meme-inspired acronym, has prompted operational questions...
(GRIBOI 2002) GRIBOI, acronym for « Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Biomatériaux Ostéoarticulaires Injectables » (Interdisciplinary Research Society for Bone and Joint Injectable Biomaterials) was originally an informal group of French clinicians concerned with mini-invasive bone ...
AcronymDefinition OBOC One Book, One Community OBOC One-Bead One-Compound (biochemistry) OBOC On Behalf of Client (various companies) OBOC Off Broadway on Campus (est. 1997; University of Rochester; Rochester, NY) Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition...
ERC-20 is the acronym used to refer to Ethereum Request for Comment number 20. It is a standard for creating interoperable tokens on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The Bottom Line To address growing concerns that multiple tokens would not be transferrable on the Ethereum blockchain, a proposa...