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AirPlay-Receiver-on-Android 在Android中实现Airplay的接收端 目前实现的功能 1、iphone 推送图片到android,支持上一张、下一张 2、iphone中的优酷播放器通过airplay推送视频到android,支持暂停、播放、seek和在随意时间点推送播放 3、当android客户端推出播放后,ipone就退出airplay模式。
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The first method to install IPA on iPhone would be using online web service Install On Air. You can simply upload your IPA file for iOS to Installonair website and it will generate a link. When you open the link on your iOS device web browser, it will ask you if you want to install...
The best GIFs of airdrop on the GIFER website. We regularly add new GIF animations about and . You can choose the most popular free airdrop GIFs to your phone or computer. Just click the download button and the GIF from the and airdrop collection will be downloaded to your device. ...