英文合同中经常看到on a timely basis,in a timely manner/fashion等用法。 倡导简明英语的人,都喜欢去掉套路,直接用里面的核心词。 比如on a daily basis=daily, on a weekly basis=weekly, on a regular basis=regularly。 那么,timely是否可以作副词单独使用? 我在实际翻译过程中,是有过犹豫的。 因为我的记...
并且无论出现什么情况,总要找到方法克服一切困难。 Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion. Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle. ——Jeff Bezos 以上就是亚马逊的14条领导力原则。 尽管它们会部分限...
They will coordinate with the Social Security Administration to make sure that Social Security checks reach the right people in a timely fashion. After Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael last fall, USPS worked with state and local election boards to make sure that absentee ballots were ...
Event ID: 5011 - A process serving application pool 'name' suffered a fatal communication error - IIS Event ID: 537 logged repeatedly by one workstation EVENT ID: 8628 IN SQL SERVER 2008R2 (10.50.6000) ENVIRONMENT Event ID:8032- The browser service has failed to retrieve the backup list ...
The error message“Error: 1053: Service didn’t respond in a timely fashion”results from a timeout that occurs after a request to start a service is initiated but does not get a response within the appropriate time frame. There are various forms of this error message, rangin...
Bike-sharing operators are encouraged to set up electronic fences to guide users to park in an orderly manner and dispose of non-functioning bicycles in a timely fashion. The guidelines also encourage the companies to offer services without requiring deposits to avoid cash pooling that could lead ...
Based on these premises, we aim to explore the dynamics of account creation and suspension during the two different major events by collecting information about suspension in a timely fashion. Specifically, we address the following research questions: RQ1: What are the temporal dynamics of account...
The U.S. top diplomat added that the Saudi side had said they would conduct a "complete, thorough investigation of all the facts" related to Khashoggi's disappearance, "and that they will do so in a timely fashion." He also said it is important to remember that Saudi Arabia is a long...
Fitch warned failure to reach a deal to raise or suspend the debt limit by the X-date would be a negative signal of the broader governance and willingness of the United States to honor its obligations in a timely fashion.Despite a very low probability event,a default would lead Fitch to ...
This past weekend, Bell says, “we were just so busy with all the people coming to the ER, and the reason for that is largely because patients can’t get in to see their primary care physicians in a timely fashion.” That’s the case for Michael Signorio, who felt the effects of...