The meaning of THROW is to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm. How to use throw in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Throw.
The meaning of DEMAND is an act of demanding or asking especially with authority. How to use demand in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Demand.
Note that __call__ is a synonym for value. An LED instance can be controlled with led(True) or led(False). Contents 6.3 Checkbox widget from gui.widgets import Checkbox # File: This provides for Boolean data entry and display. In the True state the control can show an 'X...
OnePlus has become a synonym for providing feature-rich devices at an affordable price for the masses. Hence it is no hidden secret why it has managed to create such a loyal fanbase. However, in spite of all the goodies attached, it occasionally faces a few issues as well. Among them, t...
We also note the preposition ‘in’, which helps us identify that the answer would be a place which goes with preposition ‘in’ The officer asks the lady ‘Can you give me an idea of where it is?’ which means he asks for the ‘location’ of the vehicle. the lady describes quite ...
10. On the other hand, women with longer necks can look stunning in a cheongsam cut with a high collar.on the other hand 英英释义 adv 1. (contrastive) from another point of view e.g. on the other hand, she is too ambitious for her own good then again, she might not go Synonym:...
(1) the abandonment of the name Pseudasterostoma as a synonym of Palceopneustes ; and (2) the inclusion of the true Asterostoma, Palceopneustes, and Archceopneusteg, in the Adete Spatangoidea, whereby the Plesiospatangidae are left as a more homogeneous family, though bereft of the ...
|type| -- string, one of "http"|"https|"socks5"|"socks4"|"socks"|"direct"|"ignore"|. note that "socks" is a synonym for socks5. "ignore" means Firefox should handle this URI through its global proxy settings (which could be wpad, pac, system, direct/none, or...
For example, is there a better word than ‘nice’? What is the difference between ‘easy’ and ‘simple’? What is a more formal synonym of ‘choice’? Check out the free sample content for each dictionary, or sign up for a short full trial. You can purchase access to individual ...
10. You can chill out with your guests or give them a few pointers and turn them loose on the town.turn on 英英释义 verb 1. become hostile towards e.g. The dog suddenly turned on the mailman 2. get high, stoned, or drugged e.g. He trips every weekend Synonym: triptrip outget of...