The meaning of ON A GLOBAL SCALE is in relation to the entire world. How to use on a global scale in a sentence.
a2. Everything was on a larger scale for him, the highs were higher, the lows lower. 2. 一切在大规模为他,上流更高,低落降下。[translate]
The meaning of TURN ON is to activate or cause to flow, operate, or function by or as if by turning a control. How to use turn on in a sentence.
Both black and white rhinoceros are in danger of extinction in Uganda, due to a large scale slaughter by poachers. China's education reform and opening up taught important lessons But Beijing could not reform the nation’s entire education system overnight, since China holds a huge population ...
Using a large scale case study of the value of cultural ES delivered by potential marine protected areas (MPAs) in the UK, which was undertaken as part of the UK NEA follow-on (Kenter et al., 2013, Kenter et al., 2014b; UK NEA, 2014), we investigate the potential of a range of...
As scientists, we are proud of our role in developing the current digital age that enables billions of people to communicate rapidly with others via social media. However, when things go wrong, we are also responsible for taking an ethical stand and tryi
The economies of scale is where the scale of production lines up with a long-term outcome that is most profitable. Study the definition and impact of the economies of scale on fixed costs, the importance of marginal costs, and blunders. ...
(2006). On being the right size: affordances and the and the meaning of scale. In G. Lock & B. Molineaux (Eds.), Confronting scale in archaeology: issues of theory and practice (pp. 15–26). New York: Springer.Costall, A. (2006). On being the right size: Affordances and the ...
a rope runs through the pulley d : to ravel lengthwise stockings guaranteed not to run 6 : to sing or play a musical passage quickly run up the scale 7 a : to go back and forth : ply the train runs between New York and Washington b of fish : to migrate or move in...
The meaning of ON A SMALL/TIGHT/SHOESTRING BUDGET is involving a relatively small amount of money for planned spending. How to use on a small/tight/shoestring budget in a sentence.