be on the same/a different wavelength meaning, definition, what is be on the same/a different wavelength: to have the same or different opinions a...: Learn more.
The technique permits the co-propagation of the modulated optical signal with other communication wavelengths in a wavelength division multiplexing transmission (WDM) system and has a high tolerance to losses and dispersion effects, as it relies on the transmission and detection of a microwave ...
Under forward bias, electrons and holes injected into the perovskite layer recombine, efficiently generating photons with a central wavelength of 804 nm, with a spectral width of 41.6 nm full-width at half-maximum with a peak external quantum efficency of around 18% (see Supplementary Notes 1...
May not all the phenomena of light be more conveniently solved, by supposing universal space filled with a subtle elastic fluid, which, when at rest, is not visible, but whose vibrations affect that fine sense in the eye, as … the ear … in the case of sound … May not different ...
Long exposures taken in two different observational set-ups suggested to them a statistically significant signal of a spectral line at a wavelength of 1.337 μm. Interpreting it as the redshifted Lyman α emission, they inferred a redshift of 10.0 for #1916. Pelló et al. argued that ...
Nocturnal (夜间的) exposure to blue light containing short wavelength emissions (450-500 nm) — the kind of light produced by the screens of many devices — raises blood sugar levels and increases sugar intake, according to a st...
Each card had a different number of black symbols, such as dots or triangles. Howard trained one group of bees to understand that sugar water would always be located under the card with the least number of symbols. “They could come and see two circles versus (与. . . 相对) three ...
CS would conclude from the “fact” that the laboratory and the set-up are completely “at rest”, that it is trivial to claim that all of the emitted photons would arrive at the midpoint M of the plane (x,y), for any time instance within a time interval of 24 h. The meaning ...
Sharma, P., Bisht, I. & Sur, A. Wavelength-based attributed deep neural network for underwater image restoration.ACM Trans. Multimed. Comput. Commun. Appl.19, 1–23. ArticleGoogle Scholar Vaswani, al.Attention is all you need. InAdvances in ...
This is of importance for the interpretation of the model, in particular regarding the physical meaning of the transport coefficients. On the microscopic level, persons practicing social distancing can be modeled as particles interacting via repulsive forces94. We assume overdamped motion....