The phrase “final status issues” was left hanging in the air after Oslo as a direful reminder that Israel can only exist in its current form by continuing a genocidal conflict indefinitely, or by seeking a brutal final solution of mass death and ethnic cleansing. As long as Israel continues...
The meaning of FALL is to descend freely by the force of gravity. How to use fall in a sentence.
The meaning of GET is to gain possession of. How to use get in a sentence. How do you pronounce get?: Usage Guide
李白与穿着中式服装的人们对酒当歌、欢饮达旦 In the cross dimensional interaction between ancient and modern, the combination of virtual and real 在古今交错、虚实结合的跨次元交互里 It seems that the Tang Dynasty is reappearing 似大唐盛世重现 The ip of "Poetic Changan" continues to ferment “诗意...
it’s ringing, it means it’s a blank call which the other user tried to call few minutes earlier. This is happening each and every time no matter you are on 100 MBPS WiFi or 4G cellular data. Serous issue please look into it and get some meaning for inappropriate updates of the app...
This turning, this move of primary citizenship out of a state of oppression and into a state of freedom, characterized by compassionate community, was the whole call to and meaning of salvation. Zaccheus was saved, for instance, when he made the turn from a life founded on the economic oppr...
A Cross-Linguistic Study on Information Backgrounding and Presupposition ProjectionPresupposition triggersProjectionInformation backgroundingAccommodationMeaning typologiesSpanishThis chapter builds on previous work on the diversity of English presupposition triggers with respect to their projection behavior in an ...
& Wierzbicka, A. Meaning and Universal Grammar: Theory and Empirical Findings (John Benjamins Publishing, 2002). Aitchison, J. Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon 4th edn (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). Matthewson, L. Is the meta-language really natural? Theor. Linguist. 29,...
L. Mindfulness broadens awareness and builds eudaimonic meaning: a process model of mindful positive emotion regulation. Psychol. Inq. 26, 293–314 (2015). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Canby, N. K. et al. The contribution of common and specific therapeutic factors to ...
The meaning of LAY is to beat or strike down with force. How to use lay in a sentence. Lay vs. Lie: Usage Guide