PBSU【海格长扁空调版在alckmone.map的113路线了】pov全程 273播放 海格车 地图105路线!全部pov 146播放 【江油鸿飞公交车pov】9路江油汽车客运站开往九岭 296播放 【PBSU】pov volvo7700_2020.ini用在MODgouvea2.map的LINHA101路线 151播放 【江油鸿飞公交车POV】9路 九岭开往江油汽车客运站 221播放 【PBSU】...
OMSI 2 supports a world coordinate system so it is possible to import a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) with the help of a DLL you can even program yourself. Animated real vertical profile on the Spandau map New script functions such as full matrix view, advanced access to system variables. ...
[OMSI 2] KMB 7M 樂富↺竹園邨(循環線) 7M City V1.0|Dennis Dragon 12m 3AD 3AD22 HH5831 Map: https://hkbustrainstudio.wixsite.com/... (Credit: HKBTS) Map AI Addon: https://www.facebook.com/kt4404.hk/posts/3893099210733162/?paipv=0&eav=AfajJyHwPI_WCmt7JkEiP3EI1gtePGu6fJZ...
Biggest card for OMSI 2 so far! Compatible with AOD (Advanced Omnibus Driver) List of functions and contents Map with more than 35 accessible bus lines C2 + C2G busses Original paintworks of the Vestische Straßenbahnen GmbH Rolling stock (AI tram + AI trains) ...
The DLC will expand the map of Seaside Valley and its surroundings by two brand-new city districts, an airport, a number of new roads and bus stops as well as new missions. If you want to note the DLC on your wish list, you can do so here: DLC简介译文: Bus Simulator的官方地图扩展...
新界巴士路線B1,由九巴營辦,來往天慈及落馬洲站,主要方便元朗區乘客使用落馬洲支線管制站及深圳福田口岸過境,途經天耀邨、元朗大馬路及港鐵元朗站,取道新田公路。该线路地图(B1/276 MAP)、布景、时刻表等经本人改造。游戏 单机游戏 模拟驾驶 OMSI2 九巴