Planned free future updates of this pack include Non-Micro Hybrid variants, Dublinbus Spec, London (TFL) Spec, and possibly more. This pack includes a highly detailed rendition of the Ticketer Ticket Machine, buy Ticketer UK. Features
有生之年系列之 OMSI 2 Addon London 叕在做新车了,这次是埃及 MCV 的 EvoSeti 车身。照这个进度下去,说不定 TfL 的宇通亚星比亚迪都会出现在这一 Addon 之中呢。#OMSI#
Welcome to the UK's capital, London, the first official UK map & bus DLC for OMSI 2 with left-hand traffic. Pick up one of the largest vehicles on the capital’s streets. Weave through traffic, keeping to tight headways or relax on the peaceful route
extended support for OMSI-LondonNOTE:For use on existing OMSI maps, the AI humans of the OMSI download pack Vol. 8 must be manually integrated into the maps. Please follow the instructions for this.The distribution of the AI humans of the OMSI 2 - Downloadpack Vol. 8 is not ...