Planned free future updates of this pack include Non-Micro Hybrid variants, Dublinbus Spec, London (TFL) Spec, and possibly more. This pack includes a highly detailed rendition of the Ticketer Ticket Machine, buy Ticketer UK. Features
London Public TransportAll drivers in different versions with corresponding uniforms.This makes every OMSI map even more realistic. If you want, you can also use the new bus drivers as normal passengers.The OMSI 2 download pack Vol. 8 not only contains new passengers and passers-by ...
有生之年系列之 OMSI 2 Addon London 叕在做新车了,这次是埃及 MCV 的 EvoSeti 车身。照这个进度下去,说不定 TfL 的宇通亚星比亚迪都会出现在这一 Addon 之中呢。#OMSI#
Welcome to the UK's capital, London, the first official UK map & bus DLC for OMSI 2 with left-hand traffic. Pick up one of the largest vehicles on the capital’s streets. Weave through traffic, keeping to tight headways or relax on the peaceful route
In conclusion, save your money for OMSI London. Read More Was this review helpful? YesNoFunnyAward 17 people found this review helpful Natje 48 reviews Recommended Posted: 3 January, 2018 This map is okay. The buses work really good and you can change the IBIS language to German if the ...