C200H-OD501 C500-OD501CN 32-point output modules use two blocks and two cables. 32-point input modules use two blocks and two cables. Terminal blocks XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G4 XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G4 Cable XW2Z-PPPA XW2Z-PPPA Connection diagram XW2B--20G5 XW2B--20...
C500-OD415CN 32-point output module uses two blocks and two cables. Terminal block XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G4 Cable G79-PC XW2Z-PPPA Connection diagram XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G5 9 XW2Z XW2Z Item Mixed I/O (MD) PLC I/O modules C200H-MD11...
EtherCAT Remote I/O Terminal GX-series EtherCAT® Slave Units User’s Manual GX-ID GX-OD GX-OC GX-MD GX-AD GX-DA GX-EC GX-ILM XWT-ID XWT-OD Digital ...
CQM1-OD211Outputs16 points, 50 mA at 4.5 VDC to 300 mA at 26.4 VDCCQM1-OD21232 points, 100 mA at 24 VDCCQM1-OD21316 points, 50 mA at 4.5 VDC to 300 mACQM1-OD214at 26.4 VDC, PNP outputs8 points, 1.0 A at 24 VDC (4 A per Unit),CQM1-OD215...
(mated side) Triangle mark Combinations of Omron PLC I/O Modules and Screw Terminal Blocks PLC I/O module I/O points Terminal block Dedicated cable C200H-ID215 C200H-OD215 C200H-MD215 C200H-MD115 C200H-MD501 C200H-ID501 C200H-OD501 C500-ID218CN C500-ID501CN C500-OD415CN C500-MD211CN...
CJ1W-OD211 Transistor Output Unit (16 Points) Name16-point Transistor Output Unit with Terminal Block (Sinking Outputs) ModelCJ1W-OD211 Rated Voltage12 to 24 VDC Operating Load Voltage Range10.2 to 26.4 VDC Maximum Load Current0.5 A/point, 5.0 A/Unit ...
3-tierTerminalBlocktogetherandwiringlocations 16inputpoints(NPN)DRT1-ID16TAareeasytounderstand) 16inputpoints(PNP)DRT1-ID16TA-1TheDRT1-@D16TA(-1)does 16outputpointsDRT1-OD16Tnotneedaseparatepower (NPN)supplyforinternalcircuits (usesthecommunications 16outputpointsDRT1-OD16T-1 powersupply). (PNP...
15. Do not perform wiring incorrectly or short-circuit the load. Doing so may result in rupture or damage from burning. 16. Do not use the Products in environments subject to oil. 17. Do not never use the AC power supply. RFID System 4 Users Manual Introduction I n t r o d u ...
C500-OD415CN 32-point output module uses two blocks and two cables. Terminal block XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G4 Cable G79-PC XW2Z-PPPA Connection diagram XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G5 9 XW2Z XW2Z Item Mixed I/O (MD) PLC I/O modules C200H-MD11...
C200H-OD501 C500-OD501CN 32-point output modules use two blocks and two cables. 32-point input modules use two blocks and two cables. Terminal blocks XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G4 XW2B-20G5 XW2B-20G4 Cable XW2Z-PPPA XW2Z-PPPA Connection diagram XW2B--20G5 XW2B--20...