标志 功能描述 Two-circuit Limit Switch WLCA12 数据表 (HTML) - Omron Electronics LLCWLCA12 产品详情Wide Selection of Two-circuit Limit Switches A wide selection of models are available, including the overtravel models with greater OT, lamp equipped models for checking operation, low-temperature ...
部件名WLCA12-2N 下载WLCA12-2N下载 文件大小2778.06 Kbytes 页42 Pages 制造商OMRON [Omron Electronics LLC] 网页http://www.omron.com/index3.html 标志 功能描述Two-circuitLimitSwitch Wide Selection of Two-circuit Limit Switches A wide selection of models are available, including the overtravel models...
12(N C)(N O)14 (N C)113(NO)Za 2(NC)(NO)4 (NC)1Two-circuit limit switches that can be selected to match the operating environment and application •Wide variety of head shapes, including Roller Lever, Plunger, Flexible Rod, and Fork Lock Lever Switches.•You can select the ...
WLCA12-2LD-NOMRON CorporationLimit Switches Limit SW,Adjustable roller0 1起订1+ 10+ 25+ 50+ ¥2338.94 ¥2010.51 ¥1864.79 ¥1777.58 6-10天询价 美国3号仓库仓库直销,订单金额100元起订,满300元含运,满500元含税运,有单就有优惠,量大更优惠,支持原厂订货 ...
微动开关WLCA2-2N 三菱吊机用欧姆龙产品LIMIT SWITCH限位开关 品牌 Omron/欧姆龙 广州海涟液压设备有限公司 20年 回头率: 100% 广东 广州市增城区 ¥130.00 原装全新正品OMRON欧姆龙行程开关WLCA2-2N-N 深圳市百力武机电设备有限公司 7年 回头率: 14.2% 广东 深圳市龙岗区 ¥265.00 WLCA32-43 欧...
omron欧姆龙行程开关WLCA12-N/WLCA12-2-N/WLCA12-2NTH-N 上海励昱机电五金有限公司第7年上海市黄浦区 主营产品:MINDNovotechnik西门子施耐德上海第二机床电器厂有限公司OMRONAPT 公司简介:上海励昱机电五金有限公司 经销批发的无锡mind、德国Novotechnik畅销消费者市场,在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和...
WLCA12-2-N 2650 欧姆龙OMRON -- ¥20.0000元1~99 个 ¥19.0000元100~999 个 ¥18.0000元>=1000 个 深圳市金正方圆科技有限公司 5年 -- 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 Z-15GW55 欧姆龙微动开关 欧姆龙OMRON 批次22+ Z-15GW55 4000 欧姆龙OMRON ...
WLCA12-2N WLCL-2N (WL-4A100) Note:1. Forthe approved standardsfilenumbers, referto page 1. 2. Forexternal dimensionsand otherinformation, referto page 22 to 25. 3. One-sideoperation means that three operational directions can be selected electrically,according to the changeindirection of the ...
Limit Switches SWITCH 艾睿: Switch Limit N.O./N.C. SPST/SPST Side Rotary with Roller Lever Conduit 10A 500VAC 250VDC 13.34N Rotary Screw Mount Automotive Chip1Stop: TWO-CIRCUIT LIMIT SWITCH/LONG-LIFE TWO-CIRCUIT Newark: Limit Switch, Roller Lever, 10 A, 125 V, 13.4 N ...
WLCA12-2NTS-ND - SWITCH LIMIT DPST 6A ROLLR LEVER Z2749-ND - SWITCH LIMIT ADJ ROLL LEVER 10A 其它名称 WL2A100 手机网站相关详细信息:WL-2A100 旗下站点www.szcwdz.cn相关详细信息: WL-2A100旗下站点www.szcwdz.com.cn相关详细信息: WL-2A100 询价 业务受理时间:周一至周五(上午9:00~下午18...