Taking on the challenge to prevent disease by using health data self-monitored at home Design Story #01 HeartGuide Challenge to produce a wearable design to realize Going for Zero (zero cerebro-cardiovascular events) OMRON Healthcare Solutions ...
OMRON Healthcare is a world's leading medical device company, providing high quality healthcare devices and solutions for home use.
力争“零”心血管疾病 解决的社会课题 增加预期寿命 欧姆龙通过对其医疗质量等级的家用设备的创造与分销,帮助降低了大脑和心血管事件的发生率。在家中所采集的血压数据也可用于诊断与治疗。建立一个新的预防保健体系,我们的目标是建立一个人人都能过上健康生活,并无论住在任何地方都可以获得高质量医疗保健的社会。 我...
Omron Healthcare offers the widest range of blood pressure monitors, temperature measurements, weight management, body composition monitors in India.
Greater knowledge, better health The OMRON connect app accurately collects and consolidates the data from your OMRON device and tracking apps* to give you a clearer picture of your health and help you take better care of your heart. OMRON connect is free; you can access additional features and...
OMRON Academy is a free medical e-learning platform for healthcare professionals, making education accessible to all. The platform offers a wide variety of medical content. The short and interactive medical courses are created by leading medical experts and endorsed by medical societies. ...
www.omronhealthcare.com.cn 数据更新:2024-12-22 10932 总排名 998 上海 4 医疗器械 网站信息 网站类型:行业企业 所属地区:上海 网站简介 查看omronhealthcare.com.cn站点信息 > 站点介绍 健康管理专家-欧姆龙健康医疗官网提供电子血压计、电子血糖仪、电子体温计、雾化器、制氧机、卡路里计、计步器、脂肪秤、体...
Omron Healthcare 日本欧姆龙健康医疗(Omron Healthcare) www.omronhealthcare.com.cn www.omron.com 1993年,欧姆龙开始在中国生产电子血压计,随后十余年,我们不断推陈出新,为中国人民提供更多更好的健康产品。 不仅是健康监测产品的制造者,欧姆龙更要成为您的健康顾问,推动您养成良好的生活习惯,呵护、促进您的健康...
Omron Healthcare 日本欧姆龙健康医疗(Omron Healthcare) 1993年,欧姆龙开始在中国生产电子血压计,随后十余年,我们不断推陈出新,为中国人民提供更多更好的健康产品。 不仅是健康监测产品的制造者,欧姆龙更要成为您的健康顾问,推动您养成良好的生活习惯,呵护、促进您的健康。近年来,随着生活水平的提高, 高血压、高血糖...
欧姆龙健康医疗(Omron Healthcare)是欧姆龙集团下专门从事健康医疗事业的子公司, 公司生产的电子血压计全球市场占有率遥遥领先。其电子血压计精准度获得全球三大权威机构(AAMI、BHS、ESH)认可,并广泛运用于全球学术及临床研究。2020财年公司销售额逾10.16亿,位列“2020全球医疗器械100强”榜单64名。