OMRON 欧姆龙||上臂用血压计||HEM-8712 1个 $111.73 已下架 商品描述 展开全部描述 规格参数 品牌欧姆龙 品牌属地日本 净含量560g 免责声明 产品价格、包装、规格等信息如有调整,恕不另行通知。我们尽量做到及时更新产品信息,但请以收到实物为准。使用产品前,请始终阅读产品随附的标签、警告及说明。
For easy interpretation of blood pressure, measurement range is display at the side of the monitor Body Movement Detection Prompt user to retake measurement when an error is detected due to movement of the body Average of last 3 readings ...
This monitor can detect irregular heartbeats while blood pressure is being measured. If an irregular heartbeat is detected, an indicator icon will appear alerting the user to consult with a medical professional Body Movement Indicator Alerts user if any body movement has occurred during the blood pr...
21 Aug Posted by hem8712-ni 8/21/15 7:49AM I bought omron blood pressure monitor in jan2015 its not working now and customer care not picking up my call i bought tht from snapdealAwards We are proud to recognize the companies providing the best customer service each year within their...
Omron HEM 8712 Blood Pressure Monitor Add Now$4399current price Now $43.99 $50.99Was $50.99Omron HEM 8712 Blood Pressure Monitor Omron HEM 7141T1 Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor With Body Movement Detection & Cuff Wrapping Guide Technology Add $6099current price $60.99Omron HEM 7141T1 Blueto...