Omron 血压计型号参考指南说明书
河南 郑州市 ¥20.00 Blood Pressure Cuff Compatible Wth Omron BP 跨境血压计臂带 深圳市泰谷静医疗器械有限公司 2年 回头率: 21.5% 广东 深圳市 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 下一页 共100页到 页 欧姆龙omron价格信息不够给力?没有找到优质欧姆龙omron批发/采购信息? 马上发布询价单 阿里...
近3个月价格 欧姆龙血压计测量电子血压仪HEM-7135上臂式老人高血压检测仪器 一件代发48小时发货支付宝 ¥190.0 嘉兴好生活医疗器械有限公司7年 近3个月价格 欧姆龙电子血压计HEM-1000上臂家用智能臂筒血压 一件代发48小时发货支付宝 ¥818.0月销5个
Product name Omron BP7100 3 Series Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor Brand Omron Type Blood Pressure Monitors Power source Power Source Battery Product properties Qty. Users 1 Cuff Length (min) 9.1 " Area of Use (Blood Pressure Monitor) Upper Arm Memory Slots 14 Properties (Blood ...
OMRON 3 Series Blood Pressure Monitor (BP7150), Upper Arm Cuff, Digital Bluetooth Blood Pressure Machine, Stores Up To 14 Readings Best seller Add $3300current price $33.00OMRON 3 Series Blood Pressure Monitor (BP7150), Upper Arm Cuff, Digital Bluetooth Blood Pressure Machine, Stores Up To 14...
OMRON 欧姆龙 10系列 BP786 上臂式电子血压计 亚马逊购买链接: 美国亚马逊 Omron 10 Series Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor with Wide-Range ComFit Cuff (BP786) ¥61.99美 去购买 顺便说一下,前一阵用张大妈积分兑换了转运中国的注册码,这次顺便试下转运中国的转运服务。等了3天发现没发货,与亚马逊...
She then said not under warranty, needed to purchase a new cuff that , according to usage that over about 1 year needs to be replaced that warranty ends in one year after purchase! Advertised that could get one free calibration within 3 years, Very deceiving and misleading, customer service...
Omron HEM7320 Preformed Upper Arm M L Comfort Replacement 22-42cm Cuff Free shipping, arrives in 3+ days Only 2 left Omron Four Way Adjustable Actuating Key D4DS-K5 Add $5264current price $52.64Omron Four Way Adjustable Actuating Key D4DS-K5 Free shipping, arrives in 3+ days Omron RS2...
1. Disconnect the USB cable.2. Make sure the device is turned off by pressing start/stop. 3. Reconnect the USB cable If you connect your cable more than 20 seconds after you take a reading,Connection Center may not detect it. If ...
动脉硬化检测仪四肢袖带血压袖套BP cuff 适用国产进口欧姆龙等 py品牌 江苏全众医疗器械有限公司 1年 查看详情 面议 日本进口欧姆龙 PWV和ABI二维评估 血压脉波检测仪 欧姆龙品牌 成都柏威斯科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 面议 江苏南通 HEM-7136型电子血压计、实时血压监测 全众医疗供应 全众医疗 欧姆龙品牌 江苏全...