在OMP中,展开循环可以通过使用#pragma omp parallel for指令来实现。该指令告诉编译器将循环分解为多个子任务,并使用多个线程并行执行这些子任务。展开循环可以有效地利用多核处理器的计算能力,加快程序的执行速度。 展开循环的优势在于可以提高程序的性能,特别是对于循环迭代次数较大的情况。通过并行化循环,可以将计算任...
Compare this with omitting the "parallel do": If you have no "omp simd" the compiler will show the exact same behavior as it (wrongly) shows now. But with "omp simd" it happily vectorizes the loop. I did try to ommit both simd and schedule(runtime) and got the same ...
#pragma omp parallel for private (ii,jj,i,j) schedule(dynamic,1) for(ii=2;ii<nx-halfLength*2;ii+=bx) { for(jj=2;jj<nz-halfLength*2;jj+=bz) { for(i=ii;i<mina(bx+ii,nx-halfLength);++i) { #pragma simd for(j=jj;j<mina(bz+jj,nz-halfLength);++j) { a =b+c; } ...
systems_processed[thread_num]++;//DEBUGsymbols_translated[thread_num] += Forest[i]->getState().size();//DEBUG}#pragmaomp for schedule(dynamic)for(inti =0; i < Forest.size() ; i++) { Forest[i]->updateMetric(metrics,neighbors[i]); } } }/// PARALLEL BLOCKend =omp_get_wtime();...
That code may possibly have generated SIMD gather instructions. The above will disable SIMD for that loop (had it been enabled). !DIR$ VECTOR ALWAYS might force it on (in the event that !$omp parallel... forced it off). Experiment both ways. (ignore warnings) Jim Dempsey Translate 0 Ku...