OmniFire Flag:OmniFire File(s):Rules(md).ini Values:boolean Default:no Applicable to:Weapons If set to yes, the unit firing this weapon does not have to turn to face its target before firing, usually under the assumption that the projectile can home in on the target (for example, the Dr...
直升机 Turret 的值必须为 yes 11楼2012-08-24 17:21 回复 大头神大头神 运筹帷幄 10 @361183736 12楼2014-07-15 16:43 回复 贴吧用户_0N8K5CR 小吧主 15 坟贴勿回。 来自Android客户端13楼2014-07-15 17:45 回复 潇洒的情兽叔 决胜千里 11 英雄无敌山德鲁头像 来自iPhone客户端14...