Interactive Tables: All functionalities use interactive tables, allowing copying and pasting in blocks. Smart SQL Editor: Contextual SQL code completion. Beautiful SQL Editor: You can choose between many available color themes. Tabbed SQL Editor: Easily add, rename or delete editor tabs. OmniDB Web ...
简介: omnidb-server 是一个开源免费的web端数据库客户端工具,支持 Postgresql,mysql,mariadb,oracle,sqlite 等数据库。 GitHub传送门:omnidb 官网传送门:omnidb website 官方文档传送门:omnidb doc 一、下载 OmniDB-Server RPM包 wget
Just go, download the appropriate file for your operating system and architecture and install it. You can also install from repositories (as root): 2.2- Debian / Ubuntu repository apt install apt-transport-https dirmngr echo "deb debian ...
下载Server版本RPM即可: 正常启动是这样: omnidb-server -H -p 9333 -w 25000 参数 表示外网可访问. 但装成服务后,他会使用 /etc/omnidb.conf 这个配置文件,所以也需要修改这个配置文件. PS:docker的模式,未能成功使用.主要是配置文件搞的一头雾水,放...
Just go to, download the appropriate file for your operating system and architecture and install it.You can also install from repositories (as root):2.2- Debian / Ubuntu repositoryapt install apt-transport-https dirmngr echo "deb debian ...
Outer Menu: Improved layout and behaviour, providing better awareness of the context Result Grid: Improved resizing behaviours Added password option on --createconnection Website: Full Documentation: https://omnidb.readthedocs.ioAbout...
Just go, download the appropriate file for your operating system and architecture and install it. You can also install from repositories (as root): 2.2- Debian / Ubuntu repository apt install apt-transport-https dirmngr echo "deb debian ...
安装 第一种:安装包形式安装 地址: 然后用 Xftp 6 这个软件连接Ubuntu 16.04 上传上去 拷贝到相应的目录下 ,mv /root/post... /opt/ 这一步在 Ubuntu 界面进行操作,输入命令你会看到postgresql 弹出安装界面,然后一步步操作即可! 配置环境变量 postgres...爬坑...
Navicat Premium 12启动界面截屏 连接Oracle时提示“oracle library is not loaded” 解决方法: 1.前往“ navicat连接oracle数据闪退以及报错提示Oracle library is not loaded ...