(二)EMBL-Bank检索获取EMBL-Bank的核酸序列数据主要是通过SRS(Sequence Retrieval System)序列检索系统由Lion Bioscience公司继续开发,而成为一个商业软件,科研单位只要与它签订协议即可获得该软件的免费使用权。 SRS是一个开放式的,可 7、以根据需要安装不同的数据库。 SRS查询方法 通过EBI的SRS服务器(http:/srs....
The phenotypic profile of a gene, referred to as the gene-associated phenotype, can be obtained by large-scale text-mining of biomedical records using information extraction and retrieval techniques, and filtering the biomedical terms with specific vocabularies such as that from the Unified Medical ...
OMIM, PubMed, and GeneRIF) as phenotypic profile for candidate genes to infer their association with diseases. The candidate gene is prioritized as a gene complex based on the physical and functional protein-protein interaction (PPI)