网络组学数据集成 网络释义 1. 组学数据集成 国家... ... 其他( others)组学数据集成(omics data integration) 基因组和宏基因组调控( genomic and epigenomic regulati…|基于4个网页
Conclusions: Overall, multi-omics data can assist genomic feature preselection and improve the performance of genomic prediction. The new knowledge gained from this study will enrich the use of multi-omics in genomic prediction.doi:10.21203/ YeJiaqi LiZhe Zhang畜牧与生物...
Omics” data with genome-scale metabolic modelsgenome-scale metabolic networksconstraint-based, FBA and MPA, iFBA over ODEconstraint-based modeling and omics, rational/combinatorialNET and TMFA comparisonSummary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Genome-Scale Metabolic Networks Constraint-...
Interspecies interaction prediction combined with gene expression patterns on individual cell level by single-cell omics data reveals a new insight into the molecular background of cell-type specific host-microbe interactions. METHODS. ... L Potari-Gul,D Modos,S Fonseca,... - 《Journal of Crohns...
the format of the clinical data differed, not allowing to combine all cohorts in all analyses. Current initiatives, such as the BIGPICTURE project36, or grand challenges37might help to tackle this in the future. We openly provide our pathomics datasets for KPMP and HuBMAP, enriching these pub...
With ever increasing accessibility to high throughput technologies, more complex treatment structures can be assessed in a variety of 'omics applications. This adds an extra layer of complexity to the analysis and interpretation, in particular when inferential univariate methods are applied en masse. It...
the computational method Z-Hunt was based on sequence information only. Nowadays we have many omics data that could help to decipher the genome regulatory code, and specifically the regulatory code of Z-DNA. Here we, for the first time, present deep learning model to predict Z-DNA regions in...
In a first part of the thesis we therefore aim to infer networks from diverse of omics datasets. We present ProBic, a method to identify modules of genes that show co-expression to a set of genes of interest (i.e., query or seed genes), and the conditions in which they are co-...
DanteR: an extensible R-based tool for quantitative analysis of -omics data The size and complex nature of mass spectrometry-based proteomics datasets motivate development of specialized software for statistical data analysis and e... T Taverner,YV Karpievitch,AD Polpitiya,... - 《Bioinformatics》...
We demonstrate how using a ratio-based profiling approach that scales the absolute feature values of a study sample relative to those of a concurrently measured common reference sample produces reproducible and comparable data suitable for integration across batches, labs, platforms and omics types. ...