So you just look at memes all day instead of socializing? Pretty much describes my anti-social life and i’m okay with that. This introvert meme about going out and being anti social says it all. This antisocial meme says it all, also welcome to my life. I share memes, lots of them...
一开始只是小圈子,现在达到一个量级了,就跟b站一个梗一开始是meme后面就是烂梗一样,回到他本来该待的位置上 2024-04-27 11:281565回复 Machine-H本来就是小众爱好,不是所有人都喜欢,现在全是梗小鬼,当初大家刷男娘梗开始就担心又怎么一天 2024-04-27 13:31235回复 纯爱全否定bot回复@Machine-H :咋说呢,...
(but dammit im soo curious so i click the godamn link, and now i knew it..) yeah whatever.. good game i guess, uhh-oh did i say? Reply ble3eding says: January 26, 2015 at 10:11 am my fever just came back…. Reply Daniel says: January 17, 2015 at 3:07 pm why did ...