Dota OMG is the map based on one of latest DotA Allstars map (currently 6.64), with one big change —heroes allowed to have any ability. There are two ways to change hero's skill set — random or abilities draft. Every of them can be activated using it own mode, which must be writ...
He's likely already way beyond that and on their lawsuit radar if they ever identify him. mouacyk said: Not really, unless it can restore the glorious days of Maxwell BIOS editing You really didn't read the post much, did you? It can up to Turing. P papatsonis Joined Sep 14, 20...
Pretty cool to see people still do something with my random ideas For verification on the origins of the tool created on win-raid I went to lost with the how and whys giving him the info he needed and he made the tool under that guidance as I don't have any mo...
Not because of Sergio, but because chocolate should always be consumed on Vday. ALWAYS. Hopefully it will be Taza. Maybe I’ll make a chocolate filled cake for that special someone. Or maybe for myself. Did you know Schmidt from New Girl signed up for the CrossFit Games Open? He’s ...
so I really had no idea what was going on. Which kind of sucked since I had to pee the entire movie. Those blood curdling screams would get me every time. And I would jump…but thankfully I have a pretty strong bladder. I haven’t peed while doing double unders yet. That’s proof...