according to the OMG.exe version information. OMG.exe's description is "One More Game!" OMG.exe is usually located in the 'c:\users\%USERNAME%\appdata\roaming\onemoregame\' folder. None of the anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal reports anything malicious about OMG.exe. ...
Download for Windows® and Mac®. * See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy. SpyHunter Detects & Remove PUP.OMGMusicPlus File System Details PUP.OMGMusicPlus may create the following file(s): Expand All | Collapse All # File Name MD5 Detections i 1. OMG Mu...
$RETDEC_INSTALL_DIR/bin/retdec-decompiler test.exe For more information, run retdec-decompiler with --help.FreeBSD (Experimental)There are currently no pre-built "ports" packages for FreeBSD. You will have to build and install the decompiler by yourself. The process is described below. To ...
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator> .\AzureStorageEmulator.exe start -inprocess Windows Azure Storage Emulator command line tool Service Status: Blob False Access is denied Error: Unable to start the storage emulator. PS C:\Progr...
.\OMGVflash.exe -6 .\1070ti-modded.rom -L con Code: BCRT: Start Certificate 2.0 verification Send VV Command... Command id: 0x3000000E Command: NV_UCODE_CMD_COMMAND_VV failed Command Status: NV_UCODE_CMD_STS_COMPLETE Error Code = 0x00000011(17): NV_UCODE_ERR...
Run Cmder.exeShared Cmder install with Non-Portable Individual User ConfigDownload the latest release Extract the archive to a shared location. (optional) Place your own executable files and custom app folders into the %cmder_root%\bin. See: bin/ This folder to be injected into you...
The download link:~see attachment~ reuploaded as zip, this was supposed to be a 2ndary post, whoops The PE-File (exe) is also checksummed and signed. If somebody wants to add something to it - you have full permissions, as long as you credit my work Or just request it here an...
I do have a thread asking for viable places, but since nothing really good came up (Google Drive isn't a good alternative, there are restrictions [not legal, just their "restrictions", exe files sometimes require a user account to download, seen it, hate it]). The one I did come up...