R6827-02 Plant RNA Kit(200) 植物提取首选 血液RNA小量提取试剂盒:从小于1.5ml新鲜或冻藏的抗凝血液样品中纯化1-7ug总RNA R6814-01 Blood RNA Kit(50) R6814-02 Blood RNA Kit(200) R6814-01C Blood RNA Kit(50) 血液提取首选 R6814-02C Blood RNA Kit(200) 血液提取首选 一步法RNA提取试剂盒:...
Omega Bio-Tek专门生产核酸纯化试剂盒,可以对不同的来源的样品进行DNA/RNA纯化,步骤简单,速度快,价格便宜。自1998年成立起,Omega Biotek一直走在核酸纯化的前列 Omega Bio-Tek专门生产核酸纯化试剂盒,可以对不同的来源的样品进行DNA/RNA纯化,步骤简单,速度快,价格便宜。自1998年成立起,Omega Biotek一直走在核酸纯化...
The E.Z.N.A.® Blood RNA Kit is designed for the isolation of total intracellular RNA from up to 1 mL of fresh, or frozen whole blood treated with any common anticoagulant such as heparin, EDTA or acid-citrate-dextrose. The procedure completely removes contaminants and enzyme inhibitors ma...
The E.Z.N.A.® FFPE RNA Kit is specially designed for isolation of total RNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. This method can also be used for the preparation of total RNA from fibrous samples such as heart and muscle tissue. The sample is first processed in a sp...
Kit de reagentes em solução Mag-Bind® de esferas magnéticasácidos nucleicospara pesquisaGuardar nos favoritos CompararCaracterísticas Tipo em solução, de esferas magnéticas, ácidos nucleicos Aplicações para pesquisa, para ácidos nucleicos, NGS, para transcrição in vitro ...
RNA Wash Bufer II 5 mL 15 mL 50 mL DEPC Water 1.5 mL 20 mL 50 mL User Manual P P P Storage and Stability All o the E.Z.N.A.® Plant RNA Kit components are guaranteed or at least 12 months rom the date o purchase when stored at room temperature. During shipment or storage...
※必选【DNA/RNA】纯化系列产品 产品分类 名称 描述 货号 规格(次) 价格(元) 凝胶回收纯化DNA/RNA Gel Extraction Kit 琼脂糖凝胶回收100bp-20kb DNA D2500-01 50 299 D2500-02 200 1100 Ultra-Sep Gel Extraction Kit 玻璃奶法从琼脂糖,PCR产物,酶促/酶切反应中纯化60-50 kbp DNA D2510-01 150 765...
上海金畔生物科技有限公司是Omega Bio-Tek品牌代理商 ,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。 Omega Bio-Tek 简要描述: Omega Bio-Tek专门生产核酸纯化试剂盒,可以对不同的来源的样品进行DNA/RNA纯化,步骤简单,速度快,价格便宜。自1998年成立起,Omega Biotek一直走在核酸纯化的前列 ...
公司分类:Magnetic_beads 联系Q Q:3392242852 电话号码:4000-520-616 电子邮箱:info@ebiomall.com 立即询价 商品介绍 Overview The E.Z.N.A.® FastFilter Plasmid Midi Kit combines the convenience of spin columns with the speed of syringe filters to ease large-scale plasmid preparations. The system ...