Omega数字温度计与校准器产品简介说明书 OMEGA CL3512 Digital Thermometer & Calibrator
OMEGA CL561多功能校准仪说明书 K-77Multifunction Calibrator $Basic Unit CL561 is a modular all-in-one multifunction calibrator that can be fully equipped with all the temperature, pressure, and electrical modules and options presented in the following pages, or upgraded with modules and/or ...
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± 0.1% to ± 0.2% for other thermocouple types, typical Test terminals: 40 to 200mV represent 4-20mA Supply voltage: 10 – 40 Vdc reverse polarity protected Supply and load variation effect: < ±0.03% of span for full change CMR: 127db typical dc to 60 Hz Temperture stability: ±0.01...
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