Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.Sigma Omicron Chapter Welcome Welcome To the Sigma Omicron Chapter With the blessing of the Supreme Basileus of the universe (almighty GOD) Sigma Omicron stands ready to further our brotherhood and our communities as envisioned by our "Founding Fathers". Our ...
21、φ(Phi):读作“斐”。22、χ(Chi):读作“凯”。23、ψ(Psi):读作“普西”。24、ω(Omega):读作“欧米伽”。一些常见的希腊字母及其在特定领域中的主要含义 1、α(Alpha):常用于表示角度、系数或衰减因子。2、β(Beta):常用于表示比例系数、角度或测试版本。3、γ(Gamma)...
Alpha Iota Iota Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, will provide programs and services for the North Dallas community. This will be achieved by its members and affiliates for the purpose of (1) Advancing Literacy and Scholarship, (2) Uplifting the Character of our community’...
The online (digital) footprint of Phi Omega Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Chartered in 1923 it was the 47th Chapter Chartered in the Fraternity. The Chapter has been serving Buffalo & Western NY for over 95 years.
OMEGA PSI PHI 这是第一个在历史上黑人大学成立的 非裔美国人兄弟会。 一直致力于帮助非裔美国人 和提供社区内青少年受教育机会 他们最看重团结和友谊,并以 男子汉气概、学识、毅力和上进精神为基本信条 迈克尔·乔丹曾在大学期间加入OMEGA PSI PHI 而在这个信...
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 大小 47.7 MB 類別 社交 相容性 iPhone 需要iOS 15.0 或以上版本。 iPad 需要iPadOS 15.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch 需要iOS 15.0 或以上版本。 Apple Vision 需要visionOS 1.0 或以上版本。 語言 英文 年齡分級 4+
Jordan | 限量发售 OMEGA PSI PHI兄弟会 “兄弟会” friendship is essential to the soul (友谊是灵魂的关键) 这便是希腊短语的首字母Omega的含义 也是OMEGA PSI PHI兄弟会座右铭 OMEGA PSI PHI 这是第一个在历史上黑人大学成立的 非裔美国人兄弟会。
The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Federal Credit Union continues to provide financial avenues for the fraternity’s members, families and employees. Join Credit Union Your Credit Union The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Federal Credit Union continues to provide financial avenues for the fraternity’s members, fa...
α:Alpha,音标 /ælfə/,中文读音为“阿尔法”β:beta,音标/'beitə/,中文读音为“贝塔”γ: gamma,音标/'gæmə/,中文读音为“伽玛”δ:delta,音标/'deltə/,中文读音为“得尔塔”ε:epsilon,音标/ep'silon/,中文读音为“艾普西隆”ζ:zeta,...