60、es for State , local, and Indian Tribal Governments”) 、A-21(Section C,subpart 4,“Cost Principles for Educational Institutions ”)、 A-122(Attachment A , subsection A 4,“ Cost Principles for Non-Profit organizations ” )中的费用可分配性条款之外的其他条款,OMB Circular A-110( “ Un...
Phillip MyersMarie F SmithCra
60、ional institutions”)、a-122(attachment a,subsection a4,“cost principles for non-profit organizations”)中的费用可分配性条款之外的其他条款,omb circular a-110(“uniform administrative requirements for grants and agreements with institutions of higher education,hospitals,and other non-profit organizati...
March 2004 Internal ControlThe A-102 Common Rule and OMB Circular A-110 require that non-Federal entities receiving Federal awards (i.e., auditee management) establish and maintain internal control designed to reasonably ensure compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and program compliance ...