强烈推荐Omamori SPA!虽然位置不是特别显眼,但跟着图2的小牌子,穿过一条走廊,按照指示牌上楼就能找到。我是在Google上找到这家店的,提供盲人按摩,评价非常高。图8是项目介绍和价格。来越南一定要体验一下本土按摩,我选了Omamori Massage 90分钟的。上楼前,前台小姐姐会让你闻三种精油,我选了葡萄柚的。按摩到睡着真...
Omamori Spa is a chain of massage center established and run by BlindLink, established in 2013, a leading and pioneering social impact organization providing training opportunities in the area of wellness to the Vietnamese blind community at large. BlindLink's aim is to create a better standard...
Omamori Spa Old Quarter 位于河内还剑湖老城区的一条巷子里,楼层很高,进门需要拖鞋。🩴 禅在心中“按摩”是这里的招牌按摩服务。这是一种完全根据您的身体需求提供量身定制的全方位护理。根据您身体各部位的敏感度,我们会采用不同的按摩手法,包括深层组织按摩、指压按摩、瑞典式按摩和热石按摩。和技师说一下轻重...
She is from Thái Bình province. She is sighted, but she was inspired by impact of Omamori Spa's model and decided to work here to support our blind students and therapists in their daily lives. She has also learned massage with us and is now a top-notch therapist. ...