Himari Noihara 1 Yuto Amakawa 2 Kuesu Jinguji 3 Ageha 4 Rinko Kuzaki 5 Welcome to the Omamori Himari Wiki, a wiki dedicated to the Omamori Himari series by Milan Matra! We hope you enjoy our stay and help us by making new pages or contributing to the existing53pages we have here on...
Omamori Himari|Expand List Share ▼ Story Seven years ago, Yuto Amakawa's parents died in a car accident, leaving him alone without a single relative, the only item left of his family being a strange and mysterious amulet given to him by his late grandmother. Ever since then, his childhood...
Omamori Himari13 characters assigned Omamori Himari15 characters assigned Yuuto Amakawa CV: Daisuke Hirakawa Himari Noihara CV: Ami Koshimizu Shizuku CV: Kei Shindou Lizlet L Chelsie CV: Asuka Oogame Rinko Kuzaki CV: Iori Nomizu Kuesu Jinguji CV: Yuki Matsuoka Ageha CV: Chiaki Takahashi...
NameTama Other Namesタマ / 玉藻前 (Tamamo-no-Mae) RoleUnsorted Primary AssignmentOmamori Himari Media Type动画 Voiced ByKaoru Mizuhara, 水原薫, みずはら かおる Tagskitsune,curly hair,hair intakes,drillhair Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations ...
Ageha|Wealth: 0 ☰ Menu >>> ID21158 NameAgeha Other Names明夏羽 RoleSupporting Primary AssignmentOmamori Himari Media Typeanime Voiced ByChiaki Takahashi, たかはし智秋, たかはし ちあき Tagsshrine maiden,detached sleeves,beret,necklace Personality ...
Lizlet L Chelsie is a character from the Anime Omamori Himari. They have been indexed as Female Teen with Blue eyes and Blonde / Yellow hair that is To Waist length. Profile Lizlet is a tsukumogami, having come to live as the spirit of an antique teacup from Scotland. She currently ...
NameShuten-douji Other Names酒呑童子 RoleUnsorted Primary AssignmentOmamori Himari Media Type动画 Voiced ByMasami Kikuchi, 菊池正美, きくち まさみ Tags Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations Week 0Character of the Weeknominations ...
Shuten-douji is a character from the Anime Omamori Himari. They have been indexed as Male Adult with Red eyes and Black hair that is To Neck length. TraitAppears asOfficial Gender Male Eye Color Red Hair Color Black Hair Length To Neck Apparent Age Adult Animal Ears No Relations...
All characters in Omamori Himari including Himari Noihara, Kuesu Jinguji, Lizlet L Chelsie, Kagetsuki, Sasa and many more.
Omamori Himari TEXT VIEW OF NAMES UnsortedKagetsuki (影月 (かげつき))Sasa (沙砂 (ささ))This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Learn more [close] ...