回到控制器頁面,Omada 閘道器狀態會呈現 Pending,請點擊閘道器 adopt 進行套用。 第四步. 更新設備的 IP 位址或設定固定 IP 由於更改了網路中的閘道,交換器/EAP/OC200 的 IP 位址將會變更,您可以使用 Omada 控制器再次管理這些設備。 建議先在 Omada 控制器中將這些設備設為固定 IP。 也可以插拔這些設備的網路...
設定步驟 按照拓樸連接設備,透過 PoE 網路電源注入器或 PoE 交換器為 EAP 和 OC200 供電(您也可以使用軟體控制器)。 使用OC200 的 IP 位址登入管理頁面,前往設定 -> 站點開啟 Mesh 功能。(預設為開啟的) 前往設備頁面,您會看到 EAP225(主 AP)狀態為 閒置中,請點擊 “納管” 按鈕納管 EAP225。 納管EA...
TP-Link Omada 硬件控制器 | SDN 集成 | PoE 供电 | 管理多达 100 台设备 | 简单智能网络监控和维护 | 云访问和 Omada 应用程序 (OC200) US$94.99US$94.99 + TP-Link ER605 V2 有线千兆 VPN 路由器,最多 3 个 WAN 以太网端口 ...
The controller mode currently supports hardware cloud controllers (OC200 V1, OC300 V1), software Omada Controller v3.0.2 and above. (To experience more features support and more stable services, we recommend that you upgrade your controller to a new version). Standalone Mode currently supports...
If you have a local hardware controller, you’ll need to find its IP address via your router’s interface. Now, open the IP using a connected computer’s browser, and you’ll get to the controller’s interface. If you opt for the Omada Cloud Essentials controller, then log in to the...
If you have a local hardware controller, you’ll need to find its IP address via your router’s interface. Now, open the IP using a connected computer’s browser, and you’ll get to the controller’s interface. If you opt for the Omada Cloud Essentials controller, then log in to the...
Gmail 可能會限制 Gmail 帳號使用應用程式的位置。若 Omada 控制器設定的位置不在您的國家或地理位置,可能需要在位於 Omada 控制器地點的電腦開啟瀏覽器並登入 Gmail,讓 Gmail 了解 Omada 控制器/OC200/OC300 和 IP 位址,讓您透過應用程式傳送 email。
Cloud Access Yes (Through OC300, OC200, Omada Cloud-Based Controller, or Omada Software Controller) Service Dynamic DNS (Dyndns, No-IP, Peanuthull, Comexe) Maintenance • Web Management Interface• Remote Management• Export & Import Configuration• SNMP v1/v2c/v3*• Diagnostics (Ping...
The AP’s web user interface is accessible via its IP address, which is given out by your router. The TP-Link EAP783’s default username and password are admin and admin, of which you’ll be asked to change the latter. After that, the rest is generally self-explanatory for those with...
The next step is to set up the AP’s Wi-Fi network, which is simple as long as you know its IP address—you can find that out via the network router’slist of connected clients. Now, open the AP’s IP address using a connected computer’s web browser. You’ll be asked for the...