Thank you one and all. The consensus seems to be that the menus have improved but there’s some way to go. I shall certainly look out for YouTube example videos. I asked because I need to retain an Olympus body for its defishing feature with the Oly 8mm Fisheye ( a favourite lens ...
OM1 Orchestra Model Acoustic Guitar TopSitka spruce Back & SidesHonduran mahogany NeckHonduran mahogany Body BindingTortoise with b/w/b/w top purfling Fingerboard BindingNone Peghead BindingNone BridgeEbony belly-style with 2 3/16" spacing
Innerfidelity also has a very educational video on Youtube about measurements and what constitutes as a neutral sound. Main takeoffs are that bass and treble measurements are very inconsistent, neutral sound is not very well defined yet and on-ear headphones have big reliability problems in 8 to... 一段关系长久稳定的 17 条秘诀!知识 校园学习 TED 英语听力 科普 关系 英语学习 英语口语 秘诀 英语词汇 校园学习 学习提升评论36 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 AI工具集 总结:视频介绍了维持长久稳定关系的17条秘诀,包括对伴侣的接纳、沟通、宽容和自我反思。观点:1. ... What is a ritual? There are many different types of rituals Personal Rituals: an action or series of actions that tend to be done in the same way over and over again ...
油管搬运 原作者:Regenbogenkotze 视频链接: 2820 0 Sunom1 2024年10月27日 002210 分享动态 眬投稿了视频 关注 #欧美现场##LIVE##现场# 05:08 【九寸钉】最高的苦痛 Nine Inch Nails - Hurt (live) (1995) ...
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