OM1:拥有1053个对焦点,支持多种物体识别对焦,对焦准确度和识别率均有提升。 OM5:与OM1相比,对焦性能可能略逊一筹,但仍然继承了E-M1 Mark III的对焦系统。 EM10四代:作为入门机型,对焦系统可能不如OM系列的高端机型。 3,防抖性能: OM1:防抖性能升级至8.5挡,与镜头协同防抖和单机身防抖均为8.5挡,是目前市面...
I have handled the OM-1 and own the OM-5 and previously EM-5 mark iii and ii. I think the lens attached to the body makes the biggest difference in how compact the setup is. EM1/OM1 series are pretty compact in the grand scheme of things in my opinion (previously shot DSLR's)....
But if you want OM1 performance at a lower price, the old EM1 mark III looks like a better deal. Reply Like 2Oct 26, 2022permalink aris14 These Laowa Lenses look just fine... Reply Like 1Oct 26, 2022permalink Capture the Moment Very disappointing. I reckon most of these upgrades...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现JJC适用奥林巴斯RM-CB2定时快门线EM1II遥控器OM-1II OM5 OM1 EM1 Mark II E-M1X E-M1III EM5 Mark III相机的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于JJC适用奥林巴斯RM-CB2定时快门线EM
JJC 相机无线快门线 遥控器 适用于奥林巴斯OM-5 OM-1二代 EM1II E-M1X E-M1III EM5 Mark III 配件 奥林巴斯J2口图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
OM-5具有一个更强大的图像处理器,与E-M1 mark III中的TruePic IX相同。这使得相机有更多的功能,如...
One thing I'd add here regarding the OM-5 (or E-M1 Mark III) vs. the OM-1 Mark II/OM-3 "system" is that if you're using Face Detect it ismucheasier to control how the camera decideswhichface to focus on. This is, ultimately, tied to the AF point select and which face it ...