The Ikelite OM System OM-1 MKII Underwater Housing features all important camera controls for the OM1 cameras through the housing, interchangeable ports, excellent ergonomics, and build quality. Contact us for our expert advice.
"The ORF files from the new OM System om-1 mkii are not loading in lightroom classic at the moment. Is there any sight on when we can expect that to be updated?" Usually, a new camera from a major manufacturer is supported in the next release of LR followi...
OM1mkII & Flash panel 7 months ago New user. I bought a Godox X2-T for olympus so I can use my flashes. Works great. While using the flash, a different panel opens when I press the OK button. The bottom half is dedicated to the flash including the Flash Exposure Compensation (excel...
Personally I decided to upgrade to MKII, I did the math and concluded that the longer I waited the less trade-in bonus I would get, so waiting for a lower price of MKII didn't make much sense. As they will compensate each other. A nearby shop offered me a good trade-in bonus and...
For an Olympus body with a Panasonic lens that DOES have a switch (e.g. 100-400), the lens switch turns the LENS OIS ON or OFF, and the camera body’s settings must be used to turn the in-body stabilization ON or OFF. The two systems DO NOT cooperate, so you MUST have one of...
会跑的雪糕MKII 上杉達哉 beetle_d peanutkuma 查看更多 a 相册 查看更多a 微博精彩 热门微博热门话题 微博会员微相册 微游戏微指数 手机玩微博 扫码下载,更多版本戳这里 认证&合作 申请认证链接网站 企业微博微博营销 微博标识广告代理商 开放平台 微博帮助 常见问题 自助服务 企业&商业热线 4000-980-98...
S2000MKIII 2.0声道 居家 HiFi蓝牙音箱 黑胡桃色 1235元(需用券) 京东 14小时前 1 0 小爱音箱Play 68.71元 京东 15小时前 0 0 M285 复古手提蓝牙音箱 贝母白 440.31元(双重优惠) 京东 15小时前 8 4 M330 2.1声道 蓝牙音箱 原木色 551.31元(需凑单、合计729.7元,双重优惠) 京东 16小时前 0 2 MR...
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