OM Digital公司前不久正式发布了OM-1 II相机,与OM-1相比,新相机进行了一些功能的升级,例如配备改进的AF对焦以及实时渐变ND等。有传闻称,OM-1相机的2.0固件的延后推出是有意为之的,就是为了OM-1 II而让路的。虽然OM-1 II机身内存加大的确引入了ND等新功能,但其余的升级其实是可以通过固件让OM-1也能实现的。
Or that the OM-1 Mark II will receive a significant firmware update (e.g. a feature to give all that RAM something to do) in the autumn, keeping it ahead of the OM-1. What’s your impression of all of this? Olympus PEN-F
10 How to update the OM-1, OM-1 Mark II, or OM-5 via an update file on the SD card 9 Returned the G9II ... ;-( 7 Nice Davinci Resolve Settings for OM-1 OM-Log400 Footage - Simple! 4 Updating Olympus and OM Systems camera firmware 4 Re: HHHR astrophotography is amazing 4...
are there any plans to add support for new panasonic g9 mark II camera? Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply johnrellis LEGEND , Nov 26, 2023 Copy link to clipboard Support for a new camera from a leading manufacturer typically comes in the LR...
Firmware Updates v.1.1,' OM SYSTEM OM-1 Mark IISpecs Key Specs Lens Mount Micro Four Thirds Sensor Resolution Actual: 22.9 Megapixel Effective: 20.4 Megapixel (5184 x 3888) Image Sensor 17.4 x 13 mm (Four Thirds) BSI MOS Image Stabilization ...
Supported cameras: OM SYSTEM OM-1, E-M1 Mark II, E-M1 Mark III, E-M1X, E-M5 Mark III. Additional programs and supported data must be downloaded.
Thanks to improved signal routing, now enthusiast-grade kits have been driven far beyond the 8 GT/s mark on the Strix Z790-E II, and who knows how far future DIMMs can go? Seasoned veterans can test their mettle by tinkering with the extensive array of tuning options...
Thanks to improved signal routing, now enthusiast-grade kits have been driven far beyond the 7 GT/s mark on the Strix B760-A, and who knows how far future DIMMs can go? Seasoned veterans can test their mettle by tinkering with the extensive array of tuning opt...
The OM-1 is rated to focus down to -8 EV (with an F1.2 lens), improved from -6 EV with the E-M1X and E-M1 Mark III. In my experience, low-light autofocus works well with the OM-1. However, a somewhat odd aspect of its performance is that when trying to acquire focus in ...
10 How to update the OM-1, OM-1 Mark II, or OM-5 via an update file on the SD card 9 Returned the G9II ... ;-( 7 Nice Davinci Resolve Settings for OM-1 OM-Log400 Footage - Simple! 4 Updating Olympus and OM Systems camera firmware 4 Re: HHHR astrophotography is amazing 4...