OLYMPUS奥林巴斯SZ-30MR 数码相机使用手册 星级: 84 页 OLYMPUS奥林巴斯DIGITAL CAMERA μ1060说明书 星级: 78 页 OLYMPUS奥林巴斯DIGITAL CAMERA μ1040说明书 星级: 70 页 OLYMPUS奥林巴斯DIGITAL CAMERA DIGITAL CAMERA VH-510说明书 星级: 79 页 OLYMPUS奥林巴斯DIGITAL CAMERA FE-200基本说明书 星级: 108 页...
内容提示: 使⽤说明书数码照相机SZ-30MR● 感谢您购买 Olympus 数码照相机。在使⽤新照相机之前 请仔细阅读本说明书 充分了解其性能以便延长照相机的使⽤寿命。请妥善保存本说明书以供随时参考。● 我们建议您在拍摄重要影像之前 先试拍⼏张不重要的影像 确保您能正确⽆误地操作本照相机。● 为持续改良...
DIGITAL CAMERA SZ-30MR Instruction Manual ● Thank you for purchasing an Olympus digital camera. Before you start to use your new camera, please read these instructions carefully to enjoy optimum performance and a longer service life. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference. ● ...
Olympus(奥林巴斯) SZ30MR简介 传感器: (1/2.3)英寸 有效像素: 1600万 显示屏尺寸: 3英寸 显示屏像素: 46万像素液晶屏 快门速度: 1/4-1/1700秒 夜景模式:4秒 连拍速度: 暂无数据 电池类型: 锂电池(LI-50B) 续航能力: 暂无数据安全急救考试 268题 户外基础考试 187题 野外生存考试 91题 徒步知识...
Olympus has announced the SZ-30MR compact, which allows simultaneous capture of 1080p HD videos and full resolution stills. The 24x superzoom is built around a 16MP CMOS sensor and is capable of 9 fps full-resolution continuous shooting and can generate 3D images. It features a 3.0" LCD and...
77 images Amazon 101 20 187 143 110 40 213 10 100 71 51 50 132 40 111 50 00 20 30 10 20 30 84 10 10 40 10 30 62 30 20 00 40 50 31 20 10 41 50 10 41 40 30 40 30 40 40 40 40 30 20 30 10 20 31 00 10
SZ-30MR 2CHS 步骤1 其他未显⽰的附件:保修卡 内含物品因购买地⽽异。 检查箱中物品 步骤2准备照相机 “准备照相机”(第13页) 步骤3拍摄与播放图像 “拍摄、播放和删除”(第19页) 步骤4如何使⽤本照相机 “照相机设定”(第3页) 步骤5打印 “直接打印(PictBridge)”(第56页) “打印预约(DPOF)”...
olympus.sz-30mr奥林巴斯照相机_卡片机/数码相机: 开机正常,按键灵敏,快门好,闪光好,液晶屏有贴膜【乡音悠悠】【7788商城】
An image viewer is integrated into the Olympus Studio 2 software, which displays the photographs immediately after they have been taken. The camera can be connected to the computer by USB cable to enable it to be controlled remotely. The “camera control” menu point can be found in the “...
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