Olympus公司今天展示了旗下Stylus家族最新紧凑型相机XZ-10,它采用了1200万像素的感光元件,f/1.8 - 2.5, 26mm到130mm的 i.ZUIKO数字光学变焦镜头,能够实现5倍光学变焦,Olympus更亲切的称这个镜头为ZERO,主要是因为采用了特殊薄膜设计能够反射降到最低。机身背面XZ-10采用了92万色的3英寸显示屏,双重防抖,5倍光学变...
【中古】【1年保証】【美品】OLYMPUS STYLUS XZ-10 ホワイト 费用试算 价格: 日圆¥43,800 円 (约¥2,150.58 元) 商品编号: premiercamera:10003170 库存状态: 有货 数量: 备注: 总金额:日圆 ¥43,800 円 (约¥2,150.58 元) 加入购物车 卖家信息 卖家:Premier Camera -プレミアカメラ-(premie...
※美品※ OLYMPUS STYLUS XZ-10 デジタルカメラ 動作確認済み(写真参照)。 商品の状態から見ますとほぼ未使用品かと思われます。 •デジタルカメラ本体(純正バッテリー付き) •ACアダプター •USBケーブル •ストラップ •タッチペン •PCソフトウェア CD-ROM •取扱説明書+チラ...
Navigate Review Basic Specifications Full model name: Olympus Stylus XZ-2 Resolution: 12.00 Megapixels Sensor size: 1/1.7 inch(7.6mm x 5.7mm) Lens: 4.00x zoom (28-112mm eq.) Viewfinder: No / LCD Native ISO: 100 - 12,800 Extended ISO: 100 - 12,800 Shutter: 1/2000 - 60 sec ...
10 Nov 23, 201311:05am To compare the stylus 1 with the xz-2, I downloaded the test pics from this site. Besides different colors (WB? But see later) the xz-2 pics are much crisper. BUT: The Olympus software shows a difference in one of the settings of the stylus 1 and the xz...
Camera Reviews / Olympus Cameras / Olympus Stylus i Express Review XZ-1 Overview Samples Gallery XZ-1 Overview Hands-on Preview Navigate Review Basic Specifications Full model name: Olympus XZ-1 Resolution: 10.00 Megapixels Sensor size: 1/1.63 inch(7.9mm x 5.9mm) Lens: 4.00x zoom (28...
Olympus TOUGH TG4 review17 Aug 2015 Ken McMahon The Olympus Stylus TOUGH TG4 is the latest in a line of water-proof rugged compacts that have been a popular favourite with outdoors enthusiasts for many years. The TOUGH TG4 retains the 4x 25-100mm equivalent of its predecessor, the TG3,...
Olympus 很快地就为 XZ 系列再度增添了新的机型,带来拥有 1,200 万画素分辨率与 1080p / 30fps 录像能力的 XZ-10。相较于老大哥 XZ-2,它的感光组件尺寸略小了一些来到了 1/2.3 吋,不过镜头规格还是十分强大,在等效 26mm 的广角端可达 f/1.8 的大光圈,重点是,即使到了 130mm 的望远程还能保持在 f/2....
Sony RX1R Sony RX100 III Olympus Stylus 1s Sony RX100 VI Sony Xperia XZ +1 more Reply to thread Reply with quote Complain Forum Threaded viewKeyboard shortcuts: FForum MMy threads You may also like The 7 Best compact zoom cameras in 2025 Nov 27, 2024 Sample gallery: OM System's Tou...
Olympus Stylus XZ-2 6-24mm coverage tele 6-24mm at 6mm (28mm equiv) 6-24mm at 24mm (112mm equiv) Below are examples comparing the potential depth of field on the COOLPIX A and the Olympus XZ-2. For the initial comparison the XZ-2 is set to its 28mm focal length and both cameras ...