Olympus SP-500 UZ数字相机高级用户手册说明书
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OLYMPUS SP-500UZ OLYMPUSSP-500UZ数码相机外观设计影像处理引擎光学变焦镜头CCD奥林巴斯新推出的SP-500UZ使用1块1/2.5英寸,600万有效像素CCD,并且使用了奥林巴斯TruePic TURBC专业影像处理引擎,SP-500UZ的10倍光学变焦镜头焦距为38-380mm(相当于35mm相机格式)。通信技术...
This article evaluates the Olympus SP-500 UZ camera. This 6-megapixel camera would be a great reward both for novice photographers and solid shooters. In addition to a powerful 10x zoom lens, the SP-500 UZ offers full manual controls. Beginners will love the automatic modes and the 2.5-inc...
Olympus SP-500 UZ.Olympus SP-500 UZ.This article evaluates the Olympus SP-500 UZ camera. This 6-megapixel camera would be a great reward both for novice photographers and solid shooters. In addition to a powerful 10x zoom lens, the SP-500 UZ offers full manual controls. Beginners will lo...
(2009年10月10日新增) 【如何更新和安装 Olympus奥林巴斯 SP-500UZ数码相机简体中文版说明书驱动】 关于怎么更新和安装驱动,可以通过驱动精灵自动检测是否有可更新的驱动,用户可选择自主更新或者安装驱动 【如何卸载 Olympus奥林巴斯 SP-500UZ数码相机简体中文版说明书驱动】 关于怎么卸载驱动,已经安装好的驱动程序卸载会...
DIGITAL CAMERA SP-810UZ Instruction Manual ● Thank you for purchasing an Olympus digital camera. Before you start to use your new camera, please read these instructions carefully to enjoy optimum performance and a longer service life. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference. ● ...
se83684441店内编号:2021111 品种: 卡片机/数码相机 属性: 长焦数码相机, ,2010-2019年,, ,,1000-1500万, ,奥林巴斯,, , 简介: OLYMPUS奥林巴斯SP-600UZ数码相机.日本原装能用的 备注: 浏览量: 0 点评: 0次进行点评 打假: 打假举报录入举报 店名: ...
奥林巴斯SP610不仅缺少手动功能,而且按键也很少,还缺乏取景器,也就是说你不能像端单反一样去取景,而且手柄与镜头之间的空隙很狭窄,手感很糟糕,想必你是不喜欢的。GE X500有电子取景器,但还是缺少真正的全手动功能,而且GE的操纵性、人性化向来是略不如真正的日系机子(虽然GE其实也很受日系品牌...
Announced just before PMA in January 2007 the SP-550UZ is the first serious attempt by Olympus to take back some ground in the super zoom sector, a sector it almost single-handedly created back in 2000 with the legendary C-2100UZ, but has since struggled to make a mark in. The SP-550...