奥林巴斯E PL1 ¥1299.00京东 微信扫码购买 相机画幅:4/3英寸 相机像素:- 相机类型:- 对焦点数:- 查看完整参数 基本性能概况性能评测 >> 查看性能评测 基本参数完整参数 >> 传感器像素更高的像素数意味着相机能够捕捉更多细节,但是像素数并不是决定图像质量的唯一重要因素。- ...
【奥林巴斯 Olympus Pen E-PL1 相机测评报告】,蜂鸟摄影论坛提供精美的照片、图片,为摄影爱好者提供作品赏析,方便用户学习摄影技巧、图片后期处理技巧,了解摄影器材,分享摄影美图。
Olympus PEN E-PL1 Mirrorless Camera: Megapixels, ISO, Sensor, Stabilization, Focal-Length, Viewfinder, Zoom, Size, Weight, Continuous Drive, Display, Crop, FLM, Mount, Remote, Battery, Memory
这里和前辈Pen Ft稍微比较一下。可以看出Ft更重、更修长一点,而E-PL1稍厚一点、持握更舒服一点。Pen系列经过50年的历程,当年的干将仍宝刀不老,而如今的新秀则引领新潮,米谷美久先生泉下有知,应当会倍感欣慰吧
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的介绍极为简单的奥林巴斯笔e-pl1(Introducing the Powerfully Simple Olympus PEN E-PL1), 本站编号40080369, 该创意片库素材大小为36m, 时长为01分 53秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为antonioluna, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次...
A friendly guide to the Olympus E-PL1, the latest trend in digital cameras Hybrids offer the flexibility of interchangeable lenses and a large sensor in a smaller body. The Olympus E-PL1 lightens your load without sacrificing shooting power and this fun and friendly guide helps you better unde...
完善信息 暂无报价降价提醒 当前规格: Olympus PEN E-PL1 for Dummies 奥林巴斯相机 PEN E-PL1 傻瓜书 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 0 商品报错
However, it would be a mistake to assume from this that the E-PL1's specification is commonplace - although the body, screen, lens and interface have been pared-back, there are a couple of areas in which this entry-level/beginners model trumps the more stylish, more expensive PEN models....
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