Olympus µ[mju:]-III 1202003年2月3日 日本Olympus公司于2003年1月30日宣布推出新型袖珍变焦相机:µ[mju:]-III 120µ[mju:]-III 120继续保持了原来µ系列奇特的外观,将38-120mm的3.2X镜头容纳在内,依然保持薄形精致的外观,厚度只有42mm。
会朋点评此机器的特点:奥林巴斯U-III μ3 120,便携傻瓜胶卷相机, 奥林巴斯经典机型u2的升级变焦版, 操作简单,成像质量出色,是一款优秀的袖珍相机,获得过2004~2005年度TIPA“最佳袖珍相机奖”。生活防水,电子程序自动曝光,闪光灯可控, 镜头38-120mm,超长变焦,从广角到小长焦,流线外壳特殊防水设计,附日期十秒自拍,可...
日本Olympus公司于2002年9月25日推出两款胶片袖珍变焦相机:μ[mju:]Metal V/μ[mju:]-III Wide 100。 μ[mju:]Metal V的特点如下: 1、防水型铝合金外壳,可以在雨天使用; 2、时尚的外观设计; 3、配备高性能含ED镜片和非球面镜片的38-105mm 3X变焦镜头; 4、配备新开发的多点宽区AF系统,具有11个对焦点; ...
其实mju-II是我的主打机。一个多月前 (2/26) 拍了一组婚礼 (见下,更多的在:http://photo_net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00BLzp)觉得应该有一台备用机,第二天就去Adorama买了XA. 一上午照了两卷(Provia 100F , XP2 Super 400).到今天为止,XA照了十八卷 (XP2 Super),mju-II只有五卷(...
(35-70mm equiv.) zoom, four million pixels and a weatherproof design. The camera is known as theStylus Verve Digitalin the US, and theµ ('Mju') mini DIGITALin Europe and SE Asia, so you can have a camera with a silly name wherever you live in the world. We'll use the Stylus...
The Panorama mode works exactly the same way as on some of the more recent Mju compacts: there are three options on offer, including Auto, Manual and PC. In Auto mode, you only have to press the shutter release once. After that, all you need to do is move the camera to the next ...
Pre-Photokina 2006: Just in case there weren't enough Mju (Stylus) models to choose from, meet the Mju 730, a slim-bodied weatherproof 7.1 megapixel compact with a large 3-inch LCD, 3x optical zoom and ISO 1600 (using 'Bright Capture Technology'). Recent Videos Jump to: Press ...