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Olympus奥林巴izoom2000胶片相机,aps胶片相机,品相很好如图所示_傻瓜机/胶片相机: Olympus奥林巴izoom2000胶片相机,aps胶片相机,品相很好如图所示,试机正常使用,裸机出售B97【午后时光】【7788岫岩玉】
Olympus奥林巴izoom2000胶片相机,aps胶片相机,品相很好如图所示_傻瓜机/胶片相机: Olympus奥林巴izoom2000胶片相机,aps胶片相机,品相很好如图所示,试机正常使用,裸机出售B97【午后时光】【7788桃核雕】
Olympus奥林巴izoom2000胶片相机,aps胶片相机,品相很好如图所示_傻瓜机/胶片相机: Olympus奥林巴izoom2000胶片相机,aps胶片相机,品相很好如图所示,试机正常使用,裸机出售P3【午后时光】【7788商城】
Discusses the advertising campaign by Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners for the iZoom line of Advanced Photo System cameras from Olympus America. Details of the print campaign which features a female angel; Features ...
简介: 奥林巴斯,olympusizoom60胶片相机,aps胶片机,滑盖开机盖没有弹性了,会自己滑,试机正常使用,裸机出售(20Z3 备注: 录入举报 打假举报 午后时光 98.58 %信誉 山东- 东营 已认证 零售: 4082 加价: 14687 批发: 0 店龄: 6 年 11 个月 租期: 还有262 天 +关注 商品点评(0次) 更多点评>> ...
型号:8-16x40 ZOOM DPS I相对亮度:25-6.3放大倍数(X):8-16 x出瞳距离:10-12 mm物镜口径(mm):40 mm出瞳直径:5-3.4 mm规格:8-16x40棱镜玻璃:BaK-4最近聚焦:10 m防水/防雾:否屈光度:±2D以上棱镜系统:保罗1000m视野:87-59 m重量:790 g支持三脚架:是调焦系统:中调眼罩类型:旋升式产地:中国镜头镀...
Olympus i:robe IR-500 Olympus C-50 Zoom, C50 Zoom Olympus Camedia C-470 Zoom, C470 Zoom Olympus Camedia C-50 Zoom, C50 Zoom Olympus Camedia C-5000 Zoom, C5000 Zoom Olympus Camedia C-60 Zoom, C60 Zoom Olympus Camedia C-70 Zoom, C70 Zoom ...
to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. Even inserting and securing a big SLR into the case is a task that requires practice. There is a ring that operates the zoom lens and it needs to fit just right. There are brackets and supports and control connections that all must be installe...
Zoom (optical/digital)4X/4X ApertureWide: f2.0, f2.8, f8.0; tele: f4.9, f6.3, f18.0 Focus modesSingle and continuous AF (SR AUTO) Min. focus macro/normal0.4 inches, 3.9 inches Shutter speed1/2 to 1/2000 seconds Night Scene up to 4 seconds ...