The new Olympus FluoView FV1000 is the latest in point-scanning, point-detection, confocal laser scanning microscopes designed for today's intensive and demanding biological research investigations.
The Olympus FluoView Features and Benefits- Among the advanced features of the FV1000 is the simultaneous application of two laser scanners (SIMscanner) to enable synchronization of specimen excitation and observation. Highly efficient ion deposition interference filters increase the instrument's sensitivity...
1、Product InfoBrochuresConfocal TheoryJava TutorialsGlossaryApplicationsImage GalleryResource LinksContact UsSearchHomeThe Olympus FluoViewTM FV1000 is a next-generation imaging system designed for high-resolution, confocal observation of both fixed and living cells. The FV1000 offers advances in conf 2、...
11/6/20131Olympus FV1000 Laser Lines, Objective and Other InformationMicroscope"Name":Olympus Fluoview 1000 inverted microscopewith IX81.Acquisition Software:Olympus FV1000 2.0cAnalysisSoftware:FV10-ASW2.0ViewerLaser Lines:405LD458Multi-Argon488Multi-Argon515Multi-Argon561Solid State633HeNeObjectives:Name...
Optimised for use with the Olympus FluoView FV1000MPE multiphoton microscope, users can obtain a complete system which avoids the occurrence of artefacts due to slicing, thus enabling you to be confident in the biological relevance of your findings.Following the recent introduction of the SCALEVIEW ...
Launch of FLUOVIEW FV1000, the world’s first laser scanning microscope with two independent scanners. Launch of LEXT OLS3000 microscope, the first in the LEXT 3D confocal laser microscope series. 2003 Renaming of company to Olympus Corporation. Launch of E-1 digital SLR camera with interchangeabl...
FluoView FV1000是对固定样品以及活细胞进行高分辨率、共聚焦观察的新一代光谱型成像系统。FV1000在共聚焦系统性能方面有极大的进展,同时提供了进行活细胞成像所要求的速度与灵敏度,而最小限度地减小对活样品造成损伤的风险。 另外,FV1000也提供了称为SIM Scanner的同步激光双扫系统,具有革命性的意义。在一束激光进行刺...
激光扫描共聚焦系统/FV1000FLUOVIEW系统 激光扫描共聚焦显微镜的基本性能是在将样品损伤机率降到zui低程度的同时,成像效果明亮:离子沉积镀膜滤片,紧凑光路;快速:256x256加速扫描16f/s;精确:2nm光谱分辨率,1nm光谱步进,10nmZ轴步进,可以快速获取准确的活组织信息。与(可选的)SIM扫描器同时使用时,FV1000能够实现观察和...
激光扫描共聚焦显微镜FV1000FluoView FV1000是对固定样品以及活细胞进行高分辨率、共聚焦观察的新一代光谱型成像系统。FV1000在共聚焦系统性能方面有极大的进展,同时提供了进行活细胞成像所要求的速度与灵敏度,而最小限度地减小对活样品造成损伤的风险。另外,FV1000也提供了称为SIM Scanner的同步激光双扫系统,具有革命性...