Medical Specialities Ear, Nose, Throat Gastroenterology General Surgery Gynecology Neurosurgery Pulmonology Thoracic Surgery Urology Medical Solutions Service Solutions Hygiene and Reprocessing OR Integration EndoTherapy Transnasal Endoscopy Hospital & Administration Value for Hospital Organizations Sear...
BuyRefurbished Olympus Endoscopy Medical Equipment MD Endoscopy is a Leader in the Sales of Refurbished, Pre-owned Olympus Endoscopy Medical Equipment. We Offer One of the Largest Inventories of Refurbished Olympus Endoscopes and Endoscopy Products in the World. We Provide High Quality Refurbished Endosc...
Search for a specific product using our product selector, or find products related to your specialty here. EVIS X1™ (Endoscopy System) Learn More TJF-Q190V DUODENOSCOPE (SINGLE-USE DISTAL COVER DUODENOSCOPE) Learn More OER-Elite (AUTOMATED ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR) Learn More H-STERISCOPE™...
As the world leader in endoscopy, Olympus provides cutting-edge medical technology to health-care professionals around the globe. In the field of ENT, Olympus provides a wide range of innovative solutions — from flexible laryngoscopes to solutions for the treatment of var...
The Olympus ENDOCAPSULE redefines the power of capsule endoscopy with high-resolution imaging, an ultra-compact lens, wide field of view, and four white LED lights. The Olympus ENDOCAPSULE takes two pictures per second for approximately twelve hours as i
Products Monitors (1 of 5) Change Show all products 32" 4K UHD LCD monitor for endoscopy system Ear, Nose, ThroatPulmonologyUrologyGeneral SurgeryGastroenterologyOR IntegrationThoracic SurgeryHygiene and Reprocessing This 32-inch LCD monitor with Ultra High Definition picture quality brings out the full...
Related products EVIS X1 Our most advanced endoscopy system introduces a range of new, easy-to-use technologies. ENDO-AID CADe: The [AI]d in Endoscopy ENDO-AID CADe is a computer-aided detection application that uses AI to suggest the potential presence of lesions such as colonic polyps, ...
GRI Content Index Sustainability Library News Medical Systems Products Olympus developed the world's first practical gastrocamera in 1950, and has subsequently worked together with doctors to develop a wide variety of examination and treatment methods using endoscopes. Our medical products contribute to ...
Products & Solutions Medical Specialities Ear, Nose, Throat Gastroenterology General Surgery Gynecology Neurosurgery Pulmonology Thoracic Surgery Urology Medical Solutions Service Solutions Hygiene and Reprocessing OR Integration EndoTherapy Transnasal Endoscopy Hospital & Administration Value for Hospital ...
Our medical products contribute to improving the quality of life (QOL) of patients by providing both the value of early diagnosis mainly using gastrointestinal endoscopes and the value of minimally invasive treatment centered on surgical products. 1.9 million New Incidents of Colon Cancer* *Source: ...