one hpf covered an area of 0.55 mm2 using a bx50 microscope (olympus corp, center valley, pennsylvania) with an 脳40 objective and an 脳22 eyepiece. the areas with the highest density of igg4-positive plasma cells were evaluated... Plaza,J Antonio - 《Archives of Ophthalmology》 被引量:...
Olympus Model BX50 Polarizing Petrographic Microscope w/ Bertrand Lens w/ 3 MPixel Digital Camera SOLD - BUT HAVE SIMILAR UNITS. PLEASE EMAIL US ITEM CODE: 901 MODEL: Olympus Model BX50 Shipping Cost: To be determined PRICE: USD $9900 Description Terms and Conditions User Manual and ...
二手非全新奥林巴斯Olympus BX50 正置研究级生物显微镜 北京澎昆博远科贸发展有限责任公司7年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 北京市 ¥238000.00 IX71-A12FL/PH荧光倒置显微镜/单目/双目/三目/生物显微镜/显微镜 上海泰益医疗仪器设备有限公司21年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
奥林巴斯BX53显微镜是奥林巴斯新推出的一款生物显微镜,可同时升级荧光、偏光、相差等,在进口显微镜里边性价比很高,改进了以往BX51显微镜里的一些成像缺陷,使之成像更加清晰、明亮;同时奥林巴斯BX53显微镜配备了20X物镜,更能细致的满足广大客户研究所需。由厂家直接供货,价格有优势。欢迎大家来电咨询,上海通灏光电科技廖小姐 ...
This is a dealer demo microscope that is in perfect working order. User Manual and Instructions: Click this link: Olympus BX40 Instruction Manual Click this link: Olympus BX-FLA Reflected Light Fluorescence Attachment Manual BX40 BX50 Optional Accessories: Need a high sensitivity camera for good...
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